My very honest opinion!

Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 9:36 pm

How many times do I have to say, I didn't dislike the game. I was just dissapointed with things. There is a big difference between dissapointment and dislike. If you're not going to read all my posts then don't reply.
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Chantel Hopkin
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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2015 12:22 am

Ok the graphics I may have been a little harsh on. The story I agree with you completely. At the start I was like "this is going to be a great story" but then died down afterwards.
I agree the dialogue was badly implemented.
The monsters yeah, they were refreshed but what I meant is they could have added all new or much more new monsters to freshen it up for us. Diamond city is larger but it doesn't feel like a city to me, it just looks like a bunch of huts with a little bit of lights here and there. :)
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Theodore Walling
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 4:44 pm

I think the game looks good graphics wise.

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Natalie Taylor
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 3:22 pm

I didn't like FNV either, but I didn't rain on the parade.

I did pay attention to see whether many of the trailers had 'made from ingame footage' type advice; I also noted that the engine hadn't changed, the clunky graphics and characterisations were the same; and post release I saw that the dialogue system was similar to recent releases by other developers, who have also been criticised for the same reasons about using a 'themed' dialogue approach.

I'm no apologist, but I'm also no unnecessary sledger...FO4 does have differences, it has improvements, and it has shortfalls...where things are do get bad is when the same issues are repeated through four previous releases, particularly bugs and glitches. My personal view is that FO4 will really cater to a fairly specific audience, in many ways...but only time will tell on that.

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Ella Loapaga
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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2015 3:39 am

  1. Being a fan from the beginning is redundant.
  2. Graphics don't matter. They are used to make a game run smoothly, unless are you mistaking "Graphics" for art style which still would make no sense because the art style has been the same since the original.
  3. I haven't finished the game so can't say anything about the storyline but as for immersion this game has lots of it. I will be playing the game as Morty McFly and all of a sudden it's 1a.m.
  4. The same could be said for Fallout 3 and NV. Whilst in those you knew what you would say you would still get the same outcome (at least compared to F4) the same amount of times. This new way just makes it more simple, whilst you used to have: Sarcasm, Good, Bad, something else, now instead of a long line of dialogue you can say you get to pick if you wanna be an a-hole or not and get surprised by what you character might shell out which for me is fun.
  5. Again, main storyline isn't my deal as I haven't finished the game but I know that you have to pick a faction and helping settlements and building them and keeping them safe helps to get you more liked by the Minutemen so it isn't pointless. Besides it is a load of fun. Not everything in a game has to be important in the overall story, hell I can play a videogame in a videogame in Fallout 4 to waste my time because I love it and can which makes more play time for me.
  6. Too few weapons? There are tons of weapons, yes I find pipe rifles too much but at the same time there are so many versions. But as for chassis of weapons there are tons, from gamma guns to old world rifles and pipe rifles and miniguns to institution rifles. There are quite a lot of them.
  7. There are buttloads of cloths in this game and you can layer armor over unarmored cloths. I don't understand the complaint.
  8. There were tons of places all over the common wealth to explore if you haven't noticed, probably because you just fast travel. You are missing out on a lot.
  9. There are a few new monsters I have seen and nit-picking that one was taken out from a terrible game known as Fallout New Vegas is just idiotic.
  10. You do know the point of this game is to make your own settlements right? Or did that go over your head?
  11. That would be fun to do but most Vertabirds I have found are broken to no repair the same as cars. The only thing we are able to build from the old world is Power Armor and that's if we have the parts.
  12. That svcks for you I got what I was expecting, and amazing game.
  13. And you said you played since the first game and now you said you became a fan during Fallout 3 (which for some reason you begin to call boring). Make up your mind.
  14. Again this a pretty awesome game.
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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2015 4:06 am

I hated New Vegas, so dull, boring & depressing. It was devoid of anything interesting. I didn't even finish it. The weapon selection & iron sights were good but that's it.

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Kate Norris
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 6:28 pm

Ps. I enjoyed the card games too, forgot that part

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Hayley O'Gara
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 6:15 pm

I did too. I tried three times and never could finish it. I understand that people have different tastes, and people hate the games that I like, but man, I never did care for New Vegas.

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 6:23 pm

I tried 6-7 times just to beat it and "have fun" with it but yeah I couldn't either.

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 5:50 pm

Honestly I think they did a great job sure they changed up a few things but that's to be expected ... If they didn't you would be complaining they rewrapped NV

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