I've been playing Crysis 2 since last year but i am not playing very ofter.2-3 times per month.I like the game but ok,im just not the biggest fan ;p
Since first day i have low fps,i knew i 'd have that problem.
intel core 2 duo 6600 2,40ghz
3 gb ram
8800 GTX 768mb
Windows 7 32bit
Specially the summer(i live in greece) the game is almost unplayable due to the temperatures but even in winter etc the game plays with massive lag.I have the lowest settings available and also i got a 1920 x 1080 monitor but i play it with 1366x768.I got the last drivers ofc.
Sometimes the game is ok,but often it lags.Multiplayer is even worse.Also my ping is high(lowest i can find in MP servers is ~130 but most of the times they are empty).I have Windows firewall.
I got also 800w psu(if someone say that it lags cause gpu cant load).
Ok i know i got an old computer but is this normal to have these huge lags?(4-5fps in MP sometimes,a bit higher in Single)
Also an other question.Do you know any Servers for less experienced players(but give Xp) cause 1 year now i cant do better score than 6/8 for example and most times do like 2/6.But tbh most of the times is lag's fault.I can't aim.