I use the dimonized body type ALICE because I like it best (no linking for obvious reasons). I also managed to find some armors and clothing I like and am quite happy with it.
What does not fit are the most vanilla armors like the raider stuff and the clothing. The busting is not that ... overdone as it would be in Oblivion but it bugs me a bit. And the textures don't seem ti fit the body mesh which is indeed irritating, shouldn't a armor replacer not also change the meshes (which would result in the briast surgery I mentioned above every time I change the armor -.-) and do fit the model?
What I mean: (no nudity in the screens)
http://i974.photobucket.com/albums/ae224/mwscreen/wastelandgoddess3.png dnd http://i974.photobucket.com/albums/ae224/mwscreen/wastelandgoddess9.png is my girl in a tight fitting clothing - that supports her body mesh completely - just an example to not show her naked
http://i974.photobucket.com/albums/ae224/mwscreen/wastelandgoddess10.png is my girl in a too busty raider armor - can someone recognize the replacer?
And http://i974.photobucket.com/albums/ae224/mwscreen/ScreenShot47.jpg is my girl in a raider armor that does not fit the mesh? The briast size seems to be okay but the shadows unter the briast are out of place. It looks even more irritating from aside, since there is nothing that could cast that shadow.
Is there converted vanilla armor for ALICE? I searched and found some little things but no complete replacer. Has someone made it in private und would share it privately with me? Or is there a replacer that is near that ALICE body and supports the armors better than the one I have? Thanks for your help!