Makes a 9 build possible.
Fits with bethesdas allow the player almost all stuff on one character
You're obsessed with F4 and on the hype train!
P.S. You're daughter Maggie Grace is smokin'
Whats really sad is Liam is no longer Liam, Only GKK7Z forever linked to the fallout boards. (I Picture him Typing at the keyboard with broken micro booze bottles taped to his hands like nasty brass knuckles ready to work the design team over and give em a run for there money -The Gray)
Thanks for compiling and slapping this together. (any thoughts on Hidden skills,, or dual stat skills -which I would love- ?)
Just doing my bit for the community.
Oh, and no relation to Maggie Grace IRL. Just puttin that out there!
No problem bud, just doing what I do.
As for the hidden and dual stat skills, I haven't found any yet, but there's still time.
EDIT: added links to source material in OP.
A 9 in every Stat?
Well there goes "This new system allows unique characters" talk, if this is true.
Unless the 10th Perk in each Line is very over powered. Which I hope they are.
But in order to get there we would need to sacrifice twenty-eight regular perks at level up. This is why I think this system would be perfect, because we will have to use it in moderation in order to also get the perks we need.
EDIT: a far more balanced way would be to max out one or maybe two additional stats, so we still have room for plenty of perks
God mode, yay or nay?
Well obviously not, you are from the planet Earth (right?) and she's from the planet "Bow Chicka Bowwow!"
If BGS did it the way you forecast, I would be happy. Let's face it, I will be happy anyway.
What would be really interesting if I am right is what this would mean for a high Intelligence character. With an Intelligence score of 7, we would have full access to Medicine, Gun Nut, Hacker, Power Armor, and Repair.
This means that, if we chose to be 'combat focused' (for example), we would be able to use a diverse range of weapons, including conventional rifles and energy weapons, which we could modify alongside our power armor. We could also heal ourselves using stimpacks, hack and set up terminals, and repair our armor if it becomes damaged.
Add to this a mere 3 points in Agility, and we can add Commando and Sneak. Finally, 8 points in Perception would then open up Lockpick, Explosives, and Sniper.
Even though it would take a little while to get there... full sniper build confirmed!!
Man, I can't wait for this game!
EDIT: if anyone wants to see them, there are a number of other identified perks that I can add into the OP
Some of you skills are probably way off, there is no way melee and unarmed are that high, intelligence 5 is the Comprehension Perk, Hacker is 4 intelligence, from what I can see there is no repair skill, Science is likely rank 6. Go to this thread, also look at cndblank's link (as I plan to add it to the OP).
I do believe we will be able to get characters to the point that they are overpowered masters of everything. But it will take a very significant time investment to do so. Hundreds of hours. I know people on the forums aren't "average Joe" gamers when it comes to Bethesda titles but most will move on to another character before overpowered can even happen.
Nice job on the opening post GKK ! Although I didn't have a problem with the old system, this looks doable.
Hi everyone. Just to let you know, I have amended an error it the OP where the Intelligence requirement for Hacker was listed as 7 instead of 4. A big thank you goes to The Leprechaun for pointing this out
Also, following some additional research, I have a few more amendments to make, and so the OP will be fully revised and updated a little later on. This should be good news for Power Armor users, as I no longer believe that there is a separate 'skill perk' for power armor. I will explain why in the update.
Have fun, and I will be back a little later with more goodies
EDIT: see article for further evidence, directly from Pete Hines, that the full quota of skills are still here! Note that the article also confirms my theory about our having a choice of either choosing a perk or increasing one of our stats every time we level up.
Wow.. this seems like a very strict system. It means very different characters depending on what your SPECIAL is. I suppose the days of the super character is really gone. At least until you are really high in level and have found a lot of bobble heads.
This should definitely make playing the game more than once interesting.
Definitely more interesting. Should really give a massive boost to the whole replay value of the game, and it knocks Skyrim's levelling system right out of the water!
Yeah, it does. Skyrim's leveling system just makes no sense to me. Especially since you can level just crafting. That makes no sense to me.
While I really didn't want to lose skills, this could possibly be much better the way they designed it. Seems it's forcing us to build a much more specialized character rather than a jack of all trades type.
The whole point of the new system is that it would be completely organic. Either we would allowed up to 4 points per stat as I suggested above (which would mean that there would be a visible 'rank' next to each respective icon, or the would be no actual restriction. It really depends on how much freedom the devs are looking to give us, but either option has a trade-off in that we would have to give up another perk every time we do this.
We would, however, be able to build a Jack of at least one highly specialised trade. Especially if you take into account!
Good work, I love to believe that.
The question remains as to what and if the level cap will be, how fast you can progress and how the actual perk ranks play out.
I love something like Animal Friend, where each rank has specific meaning. Consecutive boni (like Toughness) are boring and should be reduced to a minimum. The Gun Nut and Science! perks are promising.
I hope we also see Eye For An Eye or Rad Child (or similar perks that change your playstyle) again. In a non-op fashion of course.
An excellent point. From the looks of everything else, I don't see why this wouldn't be the case. I will add this to the OP when I do the full update a little later, and I will of course mention you as having made this suggestion