A very satisfying journey.

Post » Thu Jun 26, 2014 8:41 am

I just want to say how much I have truly appreciated the game that is Skyrim. Never before have I played a RPG as obsessively as this (Diablo II or FF7 would be the only close seconds). It was my first Elder Scrolls game, and certainly won't be my last. Thank you Bethesda for creating one of the most beautiful and immersive game worlds and one of the most memorable gaming experiences of my life.

Been playing since release day quite often. Only took small breaks for other games like D3 but always find myself back in Skyrim. I was not very good at first, but now I have an entire squad of powerful characters. Each with their own style and RP rules. Each of them also hold a special place in my heart :)

Raze - 52 - Nord - Two-Handed, Archery, Light Armor, Destruction

My first character and a true trainwreck. Now retired in Breezehome with some stray dog.

Andariel - 59 - Imperial - Sneak, Speech, Pickpocket, One-Handed

The "politician." Champion of the Dark Brotherhood. With all of her enemies dead, she waits patiently in the Dawnstar Sanctuary for a new adventure.

Duriel - 77 - Redguard - One-Handed, Block, Heavy Armor

My flagship character. He began as a sword and board paladin and ended up as the first guy to go through Dawnguard, Dragonborn and Hearthfire. Super overpowered. Sits in his huge mansion drunk all day, staring at all of his loot.

Kashya - 29 - Nord - Archery, Light Armor, Sneak

A young, beautiful adventurer. Champion of the Dawnguard and wielder of Auriel's bow. She is retired and hunts the woods around Falkreath.

Larzuk - 46 - Nord - Two-Handed, Heavy Armor, Block, Sneak

An unscrupulous, merciless warrior. Slayer of Alduin, Miraak, and countless innocent lives. Known for extreme violence and greed. Dons the Ebony Mail and Ebony Blade.

Jamella - 44 - Bosmer - Alchemy, Archery, Light Armor

A legendary alchemist and Thieves Guild Master. Prefers to be a loner and lives in the alchemist's shack.

Nihlithak - 45 - Altmer - Conjuration, Restoration, Alteration, Illusion

A powerful, but peace-loving mage. Prefers to difuse situations with illusion or paralyze and bypass threats. Spends most of his time reading in the Arch-Mage's quarters.

Griswold - 17 - Nord - One-Handed, Block, Light Armor, Speech

My current character. A sellsword with a quick wit and level head. Specializing in agility and blocking without a shield. Created to be similar to Bronn from Game of Thrones.

Thanks for reading. And again thank you Bethesda for such an incredible game.

No lollygaggin'!

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natalie mccormick
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Post » Thu Jun 26, 2014 2:31 pm

Nice to see people being appreciative and having fun. :smile:

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cosmo valerga
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Post » Thu Jun 26, 2014 4:26 am

I am on my first play though of Skyrim. Previously played Morrowind/Oblvion and Fallout 3 though.

I too am enjoying the heck outta this game!

Love your character summaries! (they look like my D&D character lists...)

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Sarah Kim
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Post » Thu Jun 26, 2014 8:07 am

Same here. Been playing games since the 1970s, and I have to say that Skyrim is one of my all time favorites.
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Brandon Wilson
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