How do I put items in an NPC's inventory, and how do I distinguish between held and worn items? I thought it would be a fairly straightforward process (i.e. right click the NPC's inventory and "add item") but it doesn't seem to be that easy. I feel really dumb, because I can't find any guides or tutorials that explain how to do it either. :S
Open the NPC file, select appropriate tab in the Object Window, find item, drag-and-drop (don't "grab" in the ID field) into the NPC inventory field.
Adding spells: "Auto Calculate Stats" needs to be unselected.
Blocked: Unselect this and then save. Open the NPC file and then add item.
NPC skills will determine what they will use. I.e. add heavy armor, the NPC needs to have a sufficiently high enough skill in heavy armor to use the item.
To use an NPC as a vendor, again make sure "Auto Calculate Stats" is off, and manually select what you want them to sell in their AI tab.
I really should limit my smoke breaks when replying to a post... :glare: