Is it viable to have a character with no armor who doesn't use alteration flesh spells either? Has anyone done it?
First of all, I'm playing on adept. Second of all, if your reply is something like this, "Adept is so [censored] easy, I never use armor even on legendary. In fact I set my armor rating to negative 300 and my health to 5 just so I can have a slight challenge on legendary", please refrain from replying to this thread.
I'm interested in a character who uses daggers, destruction, restoration, maybe enchanting. I want to do some sneak attacks but not spend the whole time in sneak. Maybe start off with a sneak attack then run and gain some distance to use destruction. These are some strategies I'm thinking of using- Restoration protection circles to keep undead away, dual-wielding daggers for fastest possible attacks, absorb health weapons, enchantments of either fortify health or health regen, maybe quiet casting to get a head start on ranged destruction attacks. Banish, fear, and turn undead enchantments on daggers to keep enemies away, Dual-cast cloak spells for greater range, Lots of running and not casting flesh spells will save time and magicka.
I think the most dangerous enemies for this character will be archers, especially the high level draugr with the ebony bows.
Do you guys think it will work?