I've played all your dungeons and have to say the best one so far is Dragon Citadel. But the encounter with the Frozen Tunnels boss (Lord Shardtail) is severely bugged. After defeating him and leaving, if I try to fast travel or even exit the game, my system totally locks up. I mean, at any time after leaving the Shardtail cell, the game will freeze if attempting to enter any other cell via fast travel. It will attempt to load the new cell but it gets stuck and there is no way to quit to desktop (alt-ctrl-dlt, reset button, power button will not work). The only way is to kill the power supply and reboot the system. Trying to exit the game after leaving the Shardtail cell causes the same severe crash. It's totally reproducible and I think it may have something to do with those respawning zombies. I should mention that after rebooting and reloading, things work normally again.
Another "bug" is the fact that the teleporting ring is an undroppable quest item that is not needed. I say get rid of the quest aspect of this dungeon totally. One can swim to the island initially and then fast travel after that. The quest rewards can be drops from Sarlatz instead of the what it is now: nothing. Also, if replaying the dungeon, the Sarlatz wraithe no longer spawns at all, which means defeating Sarlatz again will give you no rewards.
Aside from those problems, the dungeon is an absolute blast to play. Same with all your other dungeons (which are totally bug-free BTW). Can we expect a new one soon? Maybe something involving Khajiit (we've had orcs, imperials, daedra, goblins, and argonians already)