I am disappointed by Skyrim. There it is I said it.
But how can I be disappointed in a game that has:
- Amazing and beautiful graphics that bring the game world to life (I am stopping at staring at views again when I get to the top of hills and mountains - lol)
- Dragon battles which are just epic and an absolute triumph for the technical teams that made them possible
- Characters which seem even more realistic than ever, that seems to really have a life (they go to work, knock off in the evening, go to the pub and then go to bed ffs)
- I have seen a dragon and a bear fighting, imperial legion fighting bandits - and these events are all random driven by the gameworld, not scripted - awesome stuff
But yet I am still dissappointed.
There aren't that many RPG games. There are hardly any others that have the resources, time and money put into them that this series does. This is THE flagship RPG. And you have to wait 4/5 years - YES YEARS - for the next one to come out in the series.
So there is the key point. I really NEED this game to be the RPG that I am hoping for. And I know that they are capable of it because they blew me away with the best RPG of all time in Morrowind. For some people they fell in love with other titles in the series (Morrowind is where I joined the series). The Elder Scrolls series is a LANDMARK in RPG, simple, period.
And that unfortunately is why we see so many negative posts about a game which is an extremely good game and great value for money (£29.99 for me).
It just isn't as good as the game we wanted to see. It doesn't meet my incredibly high expectations. It doesn't fulfill the need I have the ultimate RPG, before I hybernate for the next 4/5 years. For me it's not Ultima or Morrowind. For other it isn't Daggerfell, maybe Baldurs Gate etc etc. Have to be honest though and say those expectations are almost impossibly high to meet - but it is the mission that Beth have, like it or not

So for all its beauty, for all the improvements in game engine that create characters with a degree of indepent action that makes them feel lifelike, the voice-overed NPC speech (which is very detailed considering it is voice-overed)...................
Those aren't enough for me to feel I an unfortunate yeaning for something that is missing:
- the skills/game mechanics are pulling me out of immersion and thinking about how "the system works" and how to make the "best choices" not the ones I want to roleplay
- I am about 60 hours in but the quests are looking perilously thin on the ground now (with all the voice overed NPC's and expensive graphics can they afford to make a game with the content of Morrowind again)
- the dungeons are boring and linear so despire the obvious handcrafting which brought the game alive they started feeling dull about 30/40 hrs ago
- I feel that while its a sandbox, actually the reality is talk to NPC and visit location, return is the only way to play the game (it doesn't seem to reward the usual exploration well)
Buy hell I will play it another 40 hours, probably start another character so its still got to be a great game right - otherwise I would just put it down.
It just doesn't meet my expectations, fill that need I have for a massive, sandbox, RPG, in a world that totally immerses me.