Victim of it's Own Success?

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:06 am

I am disappointed by Skyrim. There it is I said it.

But how can I be disappointed in a game that has:

- Amazing and beautiful graphics that bring the game world to life (I am stopping at staring at views again when I get to the top of hills and mountains - lol)
- Dragon battles which are just epic and an absolute triumph for the technical teams that made them possible
- Characters which seem even more realistic than ever, that seems to really have a life (they go to work, knock off in the evening, go to the pub and then go to bed ffs)
- I have seen a dragon and a bear fighting, imperial legion fighting bandits - and these events are all random driven by the gameworld, not scripted - awesome stuff

But yet I am still dissappointed.

There aren't that many RPG games. There are hardly any others that have the resources, time and money put into them that this series does. This is THE flagship RPG. And you have to wait 4/5 years - YES YEARS - for the next one to come out in the series.

So there is the key point. I really NEED this game to be the RPG that I am hoping for. And I know that they are capable of it because they blew me away with the best RPG of all time in Morrowind. For some people they fell in love with other titles in the series (Morrowind is where I joined the series). The Elder Scrolls series is a LANDMARK in RPG, simple, period.

And that unfortunately is why we see so many negative posts about a game which is an extremely good game and great value for money (£29.99 for me).

It just isn't as good as the game we wanted to see. It doesn't meet my incredibly high expectations. It doesn't fulfill the need I have the ultimate RPG, before I hybernate for the next 4/5 years. For me it's not Ultima or Morrowind. For other it isn't Daggerfell, maybe Baldurs Gate etc etc. Have to be honest though and say those expectations are almost impossibly high to meet - but it is the mission that Beth have, like it or not :)

So for all its beauty, for all the improvements in game engine that create characters with a degree of indepent action that makes them feel lifelike, the voice-overed NPC speech (which is very detailed considering it is voice-overed)...................

Those aren't enough for me to feel I an unfortunate yeaning for something that is missing:

- the skills/game mechanics are pulling me out of immersion and thinking about how "the system works" and how to make the "best choices" not the ones I want to roleplay
- I am about 60 hours in but the quests are looking perilously thin on the ground now (with all the voice overed NPC's and expensive graphics can they afford to make a game with the content of Morrowind again)
- the dungeons are boring and linear so despire the obvious handcrafting which brought the game alive they started feeling dull about 30/40 hrs ago
- I feel that while its a sandbox, actually the reality is talk to NPC and visit location, return is the only way to play the game (it doesn't seem to reward the usual exploration well)

Buy hell I will play it another 40 hours, probably start another character so its still got to be a great game right - otherwise I would just put it down.

It just doesn't meet my expectations, fill that need I have for a massive, sandbox, RPG, in a world that totally immerses me.
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Daddy Cool!
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:55 pm

So there is the key point. I really NEED this game to be the RPG that I am hoping for.

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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:44 am

I knew it was bound to happen. Somebody just had to have unrealistically high expectations for Skyrim, and when it doesn't meet those expectations, the disappointment sets in. It happens with every new game. This is why I have always kept my expectations low for Skyrim; so as to avoid the pitfalls of falling victim to the unfortunate feeling of being letdown. Skyrim is a great game, Beats Oblivion by a mile, and there have already been those that have said it may just be better than even Morrowind. I'm sorry that you aren't able to enjoy Skyrim now.

Hopefully you will be able to one day enjoy Skyrim for what it is, not what you wanted it to be.
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Austin England
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:16 am

What it is....a boring game. After all the hype has died down there wont be so much [censored] left.....except the 12yr olds & co.....
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emily grieve
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:28 am

I knew it was bound to happen. Somebody just had to have unrealistically high expectations for Skyrim, and when it doesn't meet those expectations, the disappointment sets in. It happens with every new game. This is why I have always kept my expectations low for Skyrim.

I pretty much bought Skyrim on impulse and I'm still disappointed. Though I was familiar with the TES series before I bought it.

Skyrim might be a great game if you just want dungeons to explore and linear quests on a big map, but skyrim is lacking so many of those elements that are important in RPGs. You very rarely have any real choice when doing quests, there is no way to have fun with a non-combat character (and I'm not talking about smithing and enhanching). The game world doesn't feel real with it's paper inhabitants spewing the same few sentences over and over and over again. Many of them doesn't even react to major events that are happening around them, like the wizard who still tells me to join the mage college even after I became arch-mage or my wife having the same dialogue before and after marriage.

It's still a decent game, but it should have been a lot more varied and fleshed out.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:46 pm

He does have some valid points, I believe. No reason to dismiss him just because he felt a bit disappointed, right? There is a significant portion of the Elder Scrolls fanbase who are dissatisfied with the direction of the series, and many of the design decisions of this particular installment, that is a fact, and it's not productive to discount them.

Quests are, infact, kinda boring. Most of them are going to point A, which is clearly marked for you. Kill everything at point A, maybe collecting an item along the way and maybe not, return to point B to collect your randomly generated, uninspired quest reward. Because we know that there isn't a Daedric Longsword lying around in some obscure dungeon, waiting to be found by the intrepid explorer, we know there's little incentive to go out of our way to explore.

You can see how if, like the poster said, you had to wait 4-5 years for a game that you expect to be the best because you expect the best from Bethesda and then found it to be a big personal let-down it would lead you to a post like this. Don't hate.

Edit: Frankly the guy above me is right, Skyrim feels like an Action-Adventure game with RPG elements or trappings. If you're a big RPG fan then it's kind of a let down.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:06 am

the only expectations i had from this game was that it was better than oblivion, which i loved, so i'm very happy with skyrim
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Greg Cavaliere
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:56 am

Expectations are good to have, but if anything Skyrim's game play got worse.

That menu and skills being limited by perk points now.

Past elder scrolls you were able to hot key the shout button with something useful and every skill you leveled up you could put to use.
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Lily Evans
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:12 am

It's almost like you people just want a remake of Morrowind in HD :biggrin:, seriously though I can see where the Morrowind players are coming from so this is my point of view, before I start I will statethat I love Skyrim, it's just a fantastic game, but how can Bethesda improve?

Bethesda have started looking at the Elder Scrolls series very one dimensionally, to explain, imagine Skyrim is a cuboid, this cuboid has three dimension; length, width and depth. Now if we compare that to Skyrim we have...

Length - The length of the game's quests.
Width - Content, world size, amount of quests.
Depth - Character customization, skills, attributes, things the game will allow you to do.

It seems Bethesda are looking more and more into width, the wider the better, which is true but are they sacrificing length and depth to accommodate width . I never played Morrowind, but I understand a lot of character customization aspects were removed when they created Oblivion and now it seems even more have been removed to create Skyrim. Yes Todd, more content, more content than you have ever done...great!...but at what cost? Less spells, spell creation ditched, attributes ditched, more quests are great but they seem very short.

In my eyes I want a cube, maybe a wide rectangle, but it seems Bethesda have set their sights on building a wall...but what a magnificent wall it is.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:28 am


It just isn't as good as the game we wanted to see.

Speak for yourself buddy. I am having a blast with this game.

If you don't like it then don't play it. No one put a gun to your head and told you to play it.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:50 am

- the skills/game mechanics are pulling me out of immersion and thinking about how "the system works" and how to make the "best choices" not the ones I want to roleplay

After reading this, it's hard to take anything else you say seriously.

The way the mechanics are in Skyrim now completely take out the need to plan your character ahead of time. You simply play the way you want to play your character, and you will become better at that play style.

Want to make a rampaging melee guy? Equip some axes and go beat the snot out of some baddies.

Want to make a mage? Equip some magic and go roast some baddies.

Want to make a hybrid of the two? Spell in one hand, weapon in the other. Slice and cauterize some foes.

It's interesting to me how many people can't figure this out. There were all sorts of little things you had to keep in mind when playing the other games if you wanted to build a certain character type; choosing what your primary abilities and skills were in such a way that you didn't level too fast or too slow. Deciding what attributes you wanted to raise first to allow you to raise the skills governed by them higher. Skyrim does away with all that crap. Now you just pick a race and play him. You can, if you wish, pick a race that is better suited to certain areas; but overall it doesn't matter what you choose. You can play all the races equally well in any style. I mean, how does fiddling with stats in menus and spreadsheets make one feel more immersed than just playing your guy the way you want to make him better at playing the way you want?
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:46 am

Skyrim is the RPG we deserve, just not the one we need right now.
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anna ley
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:10 am

Turn off the quest arrows and compass... it seems that is the biggest problem. Everything seems linear because you have those arrows telling you exactly where to go, and exactly what door or chest to open.
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Jennifer May
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:12 am

I knew it was bound to happen. Somebody just had to have unrealistically high expectations for Skyrim, and when it doesn't meet those expectations, the disappointment sets in. It happens with every new game. This is why I have always kept my expectations low for Skyrim; so as to avoid the pitfalls of falling victim to the unfortunate feeling of being letdown. Skyrim is a great game, Beats Oblivion by a mile, and there have already been those that have said it may just be better than even Morrowind. I'm sorry that you aren't able to enjoy Skyrim now.

Hopefully you will be able to one day enjoy Skyrim for what it is, not what you wanted it to be.


In this day and age, due to the money that is thrown in these games' marketing efforts, it's almost inevitable. You have to learn to do this along the way.

I knew this was going to happen when I saw the first trailer.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:18 am

Yes, it is, just like MGS4. But it's still amazing.
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Maya Maya
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:04 pm

I have to admit, I was massively hyped for Skyrim. I am well aware of the sting of disappointment which an over hyped release can give once the reality of actually playing a new release comes home. Spore is the 1st one which comes to mind on this. Even knowing this I could not help myself but get hyped. TES games have that effect on me.

However, for me, Skyrim has been far from a disappointment, despite my overly high expectations for it. From the moment I 1st logged in on day one, giddy with excitement, to this very morning my interest and attention has not wavered a single bit and I can't see it doing so for a quite a while yet.

I'm sorry to read that you are not having such a positive experience with the game as I am. Honestly it sounds like the game you were hoping for was TES VI, along with the technology and advancements with game design that we'll come to expect for a game released in 2015+.
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Matt Bigelow
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:19 am

What it is....a boring game. After all the hype has died down there wont be so much [censored] left.....except the 12yr olds & co.....

Au contraire. The "12yr olds & co" are the first ones to get bored and leave.
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JeSsy ArEllano
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:05 pm

Turn off the quest arrows and compass... it seems that is the biggest problem. Everything seems linear because you have those arrows telling you exactly where to go, and exactly what door or chest to open.

I'd just like to point out that playing without the tracker is basically an impossibility. NPC's don't give directions anymore, they just give you a location and mark it on your map. It's not like 'Go east down the road of Whiterun, and when you get to the Temple of Mara turn south, across the river. The dungeon will be on the right, cut into the side of the mountain between two trees.' It's 'Go to Korvanjund, and retrieve that item. Okay bye.'
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:48 am

To the OP: let me give you an advice my grandmother told me. "Always expect the worst if you want to save yourself some headaches."
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Len swann
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:52 am

What it is....a boring game. After all the hype has died down there wont be so much [censored] left.....except the 12yr olds & co.....

This. ^
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Fam Mughal
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:42 am

This. ^

Ever heard about mods? Oblivion was more broken than Skyrim is, but these games are awesome because you can mod them. The community will fix almost all of the gameplay and balance issues.
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jessica Villacis
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:26 am

I was disappointed at first, for exactly the same reasons - I'd hyped it up myself beyond anything it could ever be. What disappoints me most are not the bugs - these are inevitable in a game this size - but the things they left in from Oblivion: like all the guards having the same accent, the crap tree foliage graphics, the clone-stamped textures, NPCs saying 'not right now' or whatever to you every time you meet them, even if you are sprinting past them and not even looking at them - things that you only need to play the game for a few minutes to notice and that really break the immersion. Especially that last one. And that's not to mention the things that worked fine in Oblivion that they took out (why I can't I view my character in third person from the front while walking along??).

But the more I've played the more that disappointment has gone away and I've realised what an amazing game it is. The graphics aren't as good as I was expecting, but the design is simply breathtaking. The new magic system is awesome fun, smithing is excellent, some of the acting is actually really good, the combat is great, etc....

Some disappointment is inevitable with such high expectations, but the most important thing is just to have fun with what there is.

And it was never going to be as good as Morrowind.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:00 am

Hype will die down very soon,you will see.Today i returned to good old Morrowind,couldnt believe how good modded Morrowind can look,i was just shocked..I played Skyrim till lvl 30,about 60 hours,didnt finished main quest neither do i have urge to finish it,that game is over for me.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:28 am

Ever heard about mods? Oblivion was more broken than Skyrim is, but these games are awesome because you can mod them. The community will fix almost all of the gameplay and balance issues.

That was a great solution for a game like Morrowind. Now adays, a mod to add any story, or questing content at all would almost certainly need voice-overs or else it will seem flat and out of place compared to the rest of the game's quests, no matter how intricate or interesting the story was. In Morrowind, all you needed to add a new quest was good writing skills.
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Claudia Cook
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:10 am

I'd just like to point out that playing without the tracker is basically an impossibility. NPC's don't give directions anymore, they just give you a location and mark it on your map. It's not like 'Go east down the road of Whiterun, and when you get to the Temple of Mara turn south, across the river. The dungeon will be on the right, cut into the side of the mountain between two trees.' It's 'Go to Korvanjund, and retrieve that item. Okay bye.'

Yeah, if we had an actual journal that had dirctions like that I would totally not use the compas GPS no brain system. But alas. This game was made for the masses......
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