He rolled off from the train station towards the hills north eastwards. Since he was fast, I put away my rifle and tried to cut corners to keep up. The robot got stuck in a rock for a bit, I assume because Victor was fighting some coyotes. After dispatching the dogs with our help, Victor continued over the hills towards the lake mead direction. It passed over a ranger station down a slope and followed the road along the banks, we kept up.
Suddenly it made a sharp turn cutting though lake mead towards camp golf. Whilst swimming in the lake however, it got distracted and tried to attack a group of lakelurks on the bottom of the lake. Eventually, Victor glitched it's way across the water to the military camp. I and Boone kept up with the machine, who had stopped in a small watch tower just inside the camp, maintaining the same dialogue as it did in Boulder City.
All in all, Victor takes a strange path to New Vegas from Boulder City.Following him meant Boone and I skipped out half the journey with a free pass. Id recommend doing this quirky little detour to any advanced player just starting a new game. Its quite interesting and somewhat amusing; it strengthens the idea that Victor is confusing, quirky and a little mad.
Thanks for reading.