There is more gameplay in uncharted than there is cutscenes. The cutscenes just tie together the chapters to help develop the story. I guess you didn't notice that Jaffe was indirectly ripping on skyrim.
No, he wasn't ... as far as I understood, he hasn't even played the Elder Scroll series. As he said, he only knows "kind of" what they might be like.
And in Uncharted there's is not a lot of gameplay. Only because you control your character a long time doesn't mean, the game includes a lot of gameplay.
He thinks that games should only be one way, his way.
Have we seen the same video?
He mentioned several times, that this is just
his view
as a game director.
(This doesn't even necessarily mean, that he wouldn't have fun with some of those "interactive film"-"games".)
Also I don't think he meant it like "A game shouldn't have story and presentation." but rather like "
Only story and presentation are not enough to make a good game."
And I totally agree.