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Post » Wed Sep 07, 2011 4:02 pm

Do you like God of War?

Slightly, but too many cutscenes/semi-cutscenes, it was like watching a movie half the time, and having only 50% control of wtf you were doing... Which got really old, and really boring, really fast.
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Emma Parkinson
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Post » Wed Sep 07, 2011 6:20 pm

Slightly, but too many cutscenes/semi-cutscenes, it was like watching a movie half the time, and having only 50% control of wtf you were doing... Which got really old, and really boring, really fast.

We didn't play the same God of War.
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Post » Wed Sep 07, 2011 8:55 am


The guy on the left was nailing it 110% when he talked about games should rather be about mechanics/gameplay and not like f**king (interactive) movies. That's exactly my opinion!
I love games for being games ... and to me it's sad, that a lot of those AAA titles today are more like interactive films than real games.
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Red Bevinz
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Post » Wed Sep 07, 2011 10:31 am

We didn't play the same God of War.

God of war looked like a PS2 game to me.
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Daniel Lozano
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Post » Wed Sep 07, 2011 11:01 pm


The guy on the left was nailing it 110% when he talked about games should rather be about mechanics/gameplay and not like f**king (interactive) movies. That's exactly my opinion!
I love games for being games ... and to me it's sad, that a lot of those AAA titles are more like interactive films than real games.

No, he wasn't nailing it. By his logic, games like uncharted, skyrim and bioshock shouldn't even be around.
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Phillip Hamilton
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Post » Wed Sep 07, 2011 10:04 pm

The guy on the left was nailing it 110% when he talked about games should rather be about mechanics/gameplay and not like f**king (interactive) movies. That's exactly my opinion!
I love games for being games ... and to me it's sad, that a lot of those AAA titles are more like interactive films than real games.

Agreed, hence why i cant stand FF games after Enix took over, but he didnt have to swear half the time, pretty much take over the whole episode and be a huge hypocrite... :whistling: But the guy doesnt have seemed to have even tried any of these developers games... Especially any TES games :facepalm:

We didn't play the same God of War.

I played 1&2, then didnt bother after that because 2 was even more cutscenes and less control then 1... And the combat became very boring. :unsure2:
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Luna Lovegood
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Post » Wed Sep 07, 2011 11:54 am

Ken and Todd both like each other's games and generally seem to get along and have the same opinions. Jaffe did do God of War, but I will NEVER get into twisted metal. I also absolutely love Bioshock games.
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Phillip Brunyee
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Post » Wed Sep 07, 2011 1:32 pm

Do you like God of War?

Didn't play it, sorry.
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Sherry Speakman
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Post » Wed Sep 07, 2011 9:06 am

No, he wasn't nailing it. By his logic, games like uncharted, skyrim and bioshock shouldn't even be around.

1. Skyrim is nothing like Uncharted.
Uncharted is an interactive movie, Skyrim is a full blown open world RPG-adventure game.

2. It doesn't mean, there shouldn't be games like that. But they should be seen as what they are: Interactive movies
I played Uncharted 2 and it was a great experience. We rented it for a few Euros and played it in one take. I liked it for what it was. As a game it's a joke ... as an interactive movie it sets the mark.

CoD is similar. It might be nice as interactive film, but as a game it just misses the gameplay. It's not a good game! It's a good interactive film.
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Thomas LEON
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Post » Wed Sep 07, 2011 9:10 pm


1. Skyrim is nothing like Uncharted.
Uncharted is an interactive movie, Skyrim is a full blown open world RPG-adventure game.

2. It doesn't mean, there shouldn't be games like that. But they should be seen as what they are: Interactive movies
I played Uncharted 2 and it was a great experience. We rented it for a few Euros and played it in one take. I liked it for what it was. As a game it's a joke ... as an interactive movie it sets the mark.

CoD is similar. It might be nice as interactive film, but as a game it just misses the gameplay. It's not a good game! It's a good interactive film.

There is more gameplay in uncharted than there is cutscenes. The cutscenes just tie together the chapters to help develop the story. I guess you didn't notice that Jaffe was indirectly ripping on skyrim.

I am not saying that Jaffe isn't a good game designer, as I will probably buy twisted metal, but the guy is a joke. He thinks that games should only be one way, his way. He is also inconsiderate, rude and cannot intelligently speak without cursing in every sentence if his life depended on it. He doesn't belong on that panel (or any panel for that matter) and should just quietly make his games, and keep his very LOUD opinions to himself. (until the time that he can speak politely with an open mind)
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Bonnie Clyde
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Post » Wed Sep 07, 2011 8:04 pm

its funny how todd howards like "Wow these guys svck, I wish I could go somewhere they dont exist."
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Post » Wed Sep 07, 2011 12:18 pm

There is more gameplay in uncharted than there is cutscenes. The cutscenes just tie together the chapters to help develop the story. I guess you didn't notice that Jaffe was indirectly ripping on skyrim.

I am not saying that Jaffe isn't a good game designer, as I will probably buy twisted metal, but the guy is a joke. He thinks that games should only be one way, his way. He is also inconsiderate, rude and cannot intelligently speak without cursing in every sentence if his life depended on it. He doesn't belong on that panel (or any panel for that matter) and should just quietly make his games, and keep his very LOUD opinions to himself. (until the time that he can speak politely with an open mind)

I don't know mang, I got an entirely different vibe from the discussion.

Ken and Dave where having so much fun debating systems and mechanics, it was good to see the arguing and "getting" each other's references to other forms of entertainment.

All in all, good vid, thanks again OP.
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Post » Wed Sep 07, 2011 1:13 pm

There is more gameplay in uncharted than there is cutscenes. The cutscenes just tie together the chapters to help develop the story. I guess you didn't notice that Jaffe was indirectly ripping on skyrim.

I am not saying that Jaffe isn't a good game designer, as I will probably buy twisted metal, but the guy is a joke. He thinks that games should only be one way, his way. He is also inconsiderate, rude and cannot intelligently speak without cursing in every sentence if his life depended on it. He doesn't belong on that panel (or any panel for that matter) and should just quietly make his games, and keep his very LOUD opinions to himself. (until the time that he can speak politely with an open mind)

He stated many times that it's only his opinion about games and that he isn't trying to convert anyone into thinking like him. When did expressing deviating opinions become illegal? Wasn't the point of the panel to bring different perspectives on things?

It looks like a lot of people in this thread though he was just insulting Todd and got mad about it.
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roxanna matoorah
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Post » Wed Sep 07, 2011 8:00 pm

There is more gameplay in uncharted than there is cutscenes. The cutscenes just tie together the chapters to help develop the story. I guess you didn't notice that Jaffe was indirectly ripping on skyrim.
No, he wasn't ... as far as I understood, he hasn't even played the Elder Scroll series. As he said, he only knows "kind of" what they might be like.

And in Uncharted there's is not a lot of gameplay. Only because you control your character a long time doesn't mean, the game includes a lot of gameplay.

He thinks that games should only be one way, his way.
Have we seen the same video?
He mentioned several times, that this is just his view as a game director.
(This doesn't even necessarily mean, that he wouldn't have fun with some of those "interactive film"-"games".)

Also I don't think he meant it like "A game shouldn't have story and presentation." but rather like "Only story and presentation are not enough to make a good game."
And I totally agree.
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Julia Schwalbe
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Post » Wed Sep 07, 2011 7:49 am

He was just covering his ass, but he still heavily implied his views and opinions to the point where it was only his views and opinions that mattered...
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Post » Wed Sep 07, 2011 8:40 am

He stated many times that it's only his opinion about games and that he isn't trying to convert anyone into thinking like him. When did expressing deviating opinions become illegal? Wasn't the point of the panel to bring different perspectives on things?

It looks like a lot of people in this thread though he was just insulting Todd and got mad about it.

The way he presented his opinion was that of a child having a temper tantrum.


That is exactly what I got out of it.
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Post » Wed Sep 07, 2011 12:20 pm

He was taking the topic to an extremely important point. A point, which most people don't even seem to reconize/understand. That might have been a reason, why he got a bit emotional there.
Missing to articulate hisself well doesn't have much to do with being "childish" or something like that. Some people are better at talking, some are not.
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Post » Wed Sep 07, 2011 11:20 am

Who? Todd and Geoff? Definitely. Geoff always asks him dumb questions and Todd usually shuts him down in humorous ways so Geoff looks like he's developed some animosity towards him this year. The way he introduces Todd is something like "Todd Howard, you know him from Bethesda. He's working on Skyrim." and then goes on to talk about the other two in further detail, subtlety giving them more credit for their respective games.

I like Howard the best out of the bunch, but in temrs of games Daggerfall aside he had a hand in the lackluster Morrowind, Oblivion, and more importantly or should I say terribly Fallout 3.

In terms of games Levine clearly excells. System Shock 2 for a start.
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Post » Wed Sep 07, 2011 9:12 am

Am I the only one who was thinking David Jaffe resembles Rodney McKay? :hubbahubba:

It's quite astonishing the way he is able to capture not only the looks, but the personality aswell.

All in all quite interesting panel discussion, but too much David and too little Todd.
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Post » Wed Sep 07, 2011 4:28 pm

That was hard to watch. My view of David Jaffe has gone down alot. Did he do a line of coke & drink acouple bottles of 5-hour energy before doing this? Every other word was f u c k. I stopped paying attention to his babble and hoped he would shut the hell up and let Todd or the other guy speak. At least what they had to say made sense .
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Nick Swan
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Post » Wed Sep 07, 2011 8:08 pm

No, he wasn't ... as far as I understood, he hasn't even played the Elder Scroll series. As he said, he only knows "kind of" what they might be like.

And in Uncharted there's is not a lot of gameplay. Only because you control your character a long time doesn't mean, the game includes a lot of gameplay.

Have we seen the same video?
He mentioned several times, that this is just his view as a game director.
(This doesn't even necessarily mean, that he wouldn't have fun with some of those "interactive film"-"games".)

Also I don't think he meant it like "A game shouldn't have story and presentation." but rather like "Only story and presentation are not enough to make a good game."
And I totally agree.

Every time I'm having an argument with some obnoxious arsehole thats pretty much their constant go-to. 'Gay people shouldn't be allowed to get married. It's just my opinion! That's just my opinion though!'

I've never seen that man in an interview before but he came across as rude and obnoxious and (if possible) more socially inept that me. Whether it was intended or not it seemed like he was making a jab at TES.
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Harry-James Payne
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Post » Wed Sep 07, 2011 4:54 pm

That was hard to watch. My view of David Jaffe has gone down alot. Did he do a line of coke & drink acouple bottles of 5-hour energy before doing this? Every other word was f u c k. I stopped paying attention to his babble and hoped he would shut the hell up and let Todd or the other guy speak. At least what they had to say made sense .

I do agree with him that a lot of companies are sacking substance for flair in games though, and that the actual gameplay matters more.
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Kelly Tomlinson
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Post » Wed Sep 07, 2011 8:08 am

I do agree with him that a lot of companies are sacking substance for flair in games though, and that the actual gameplay matters more.

That's coming from a guy who has a multi million dollar project budget backed by Sony.
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BrEezy Baby
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Post » Wed Sep 07, 2011 2:41 pm

Very interesting and passionate discussion. Can't wait to watch the rest.
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Kim Bradley
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Post » Wed Sep 07, 2011 5:02 pm

I like Howard the best out of the bunch, but in temrs of games Daggerfall aside he had a hand in the lackluster Morrowind, Oblivion, and more importantly or should I say terribly Fallout 3.
Errr ...
I'm afraid Skyrim won't be for you then.

Every time I'm having an argument with some obnoxious arsehole thats pretty much their constant go-to. 'Gay people shouldn't be allowed to get married. It's just my opinion! That's just my opinion though!'
Ah .. so everybody disagreeing with you is an arsehole, who's not allowed to give his opinion?
Some people really make me sad.

It's also sad, that we are discussing behaviour now rather than game-development (and the important point, the guy on the left brought up).
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