It was. As was its sequel. Two of the best games of their kind during that console generation (Although Jaffe only directed the first game). I'm not even usually into hack-and-slash action titles, but for God of War I make an exception. It's an outstanding series...if one allows that good non-RPG video games do in fact exist (A controversial notion among some on this board, perhaps.)
Anyhow, the guy who created God of War should not be dismissed out of hand, even if his personality is off-putting to some. His frenetic speaking style may be difficult to follow, but I found the discussion interesting, primarily because of his contributions to it. And I think he has a point when he says games shouldn't all try to emulate movies. That idea certainly shouldn't offend any TES fan--TES is the epitome of that aesthetic, IMO, because of its open-ended nature, which is as much player-driven as creator-driven. That's what Todd Howard was talking about when he mentioned relinquishing control over the player's experience.