» Fri May 27, 2011 7:31 am
Hi, I'd like to ask what kind of FPS I should expect in Oblivion. I use: Vista 64, E8400 Core 2 Duo (3 Ghz), 4 gb ram, geforce 9800gx2.
I run all options maxed with HDR at 1900x1080 except I have self shadows turned off, AF at zero, and no AA. I can get 50 FPS in cities, but some scenes can dip it down into the teens, such as outdoor combat, and intensive areas like the fountain/tree area in Mania (the lighter part of the main city in Shivering Isles). Is this normal FPS or should I expect to have it max out at 60 almost consistently? I've tried this with and without mods, and the FPS seems to stay the same, it isn't like turning all my plugins off makes my FPS soar. I've done some tweaks like oblivion.ini editing. I was sort of expecting a machine like this would be able to run a 3+ year old game very easily.
It bothers me that Oblivion is so inconsistent. Crysis can run better, sometimes. Is something terribly wrong or is this just par for the course for Oblivion?