Video cuts out, then I lose sound

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:33 am

This has been going on since launch, and it is really irritating. I will be playing SP or MP and my video will cut out, then 5 seconds later I will get it back, but with no sound. I am using HDMI for video and audio, and I have a 5.1 setup. My gfx card is a gtx460 and I have the latest nvidia drivers, and crysis is auto updated through steam. This bug destroys any desire I have to play this game, and I really wish crytek would fix it. Anyone have any tips for a fix? BTW I just verified the game cache and it still does it.
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Matt Bee
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:50 am

How is it that you're streaming audio through your video card? Do you mean to say you have hdmi for both your video (one cable) and another for your audio (one cable)? Video cards don't stream audio, i fail to see how this system works properly. Well maybe that's the problem itself, i'd try dividing the connections into two parts.
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Julie Serebrekoff
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