In your opinion.
There is more than a few bugs there sir.. well over 500 actually
The ONLY bug I have run into in over 100 hours of play time are sometimes a misc item will stop rendering for a second then it pops back -> absolutely not game breaking.
As for GOTY Highly, RPG-OTY Yes <- there just are not any other games that even remotely fit into this category and did not absolutely blow this year.
DE:HR -> was a decent game with horrific weapon balance and s**tty stealth gameplay and quite possibily the worst AI to ever exist in a game ever ! -> seriously 10 cops 1 level down and they can't go up a flight of freaking stairs !!!!! unbelievable.
DA2 -> no need to even begin with this one it svcked from start to finish and was an absolute disapointment.
Dark Souls -> gets repetitive and very boring to play after just a few hours, I do not mind a game that kills you every 5 seconds as long as there is a payoff on the other side of which there isn't, sad really.
Have not played Skyward Sword and I have no intention to at least not on the Wii -> the WiiU perhaps once the game gets an HD makeover and a decent paddle without forced motion control this is not the type of game where MC plays well for me.
To be honest Arkham City is looking fantastic haven't played it as yet, but I am looking forward to it, will most likely pick it up for myself this holiday season and give it a couple weeks before I start any real Skyrim Modding.
But to be honest any game that is moddable gets rated 10 times higher in my book then any game that is not moddable period.