» Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:59 am
I dont understand you guys. Im in over 100 hours and I havent experienced any ridiculous bugs. None of my quests have gotten messed up, nothing. Only bug ive noticed is that sometimes when you dismount your horse it gets launched 500 feet backwards. Honestly, I find it hilarious and think its awesome. The horse doesnt die, it just continues walking. When i dismount, I dont need it anymore anyways, because I am at my destination, and it will be right beside me next time I fast travel.
You guys must be doing something wrong. This game is excellent. And ive spent more time playing RPGs than most here can say. You dont even know.
This is definitely game of the year. What could possibly compete with it besides Portal 2?
You guys are like searching for reasons to hate. Dont hate, appreciate.