LOL, I play the objective son, I'm not some selfish punk concerned about my KDR. I'm the one taking deaths in order to get crash points while you hide n snipe/ camp in cloak waiting for someone to please run in front of you. And if I'm not mistaken you're the one I used to see hiding out in the DDD servers, talk about playing against noobs LOL! There are very few ppl I dread playing against (Bitey/Sdub/etc) and you aren't one of them, you sir are just another face in a sea of bodies. Troll the airport son, cuz ur sh!t don't fly here.
^Cool story grandpa.Hope this will make you think twice before calling me selfish again.

Talk about fearing S-DUB.No wonder only noobs fear him.ROFL.And btw i don't play in DDD server.Becoz i get terrible ping there.And me camping with sniper, see my weapon usage in the above screenshot.Less than 2000Kills with sniper and i have over 100,000 kills.
And you playing for objective and still have win loss of only 1.70.What do you do in CS? Think when your son will get his job while people raqe ur ass.ROFL