» Sun Feb 27, 2011 4:14 pm
You don't need a mod, you just need to change some settings in your ini file. But it won't be that drastic of an improvement over the game's maximums. Look for fObjectLODMax. The game's max is 15 but you can double that. Don't bother going any higher since it won't do any good. Objects will only appear in cells that are fully rendered, and that's controlled by the uGridstoLoad setting. But you really don't want to go any higher than it already is as that causes several problem with game. There's also a max setting for items and actors. Grass uses a different ini setting, fGrassEndDistance and fGrassStartFadeDistance. There again though you're limited by cells that are fully rendered. The most you can have is 12000, but only 10000 will have a consistently noticeable change. Keep in mind that any change to those values won't stick if you go into your options and make a change there. The game will rewrite the ini with the current max. All the rest are fine though.
As for buildings though, one thing you could do is get the RAEVWD mod. It adds special meshes to the game that allows building, and even some rocks, to appear visible when distant. Keep in mind that the mod can be quite demanding on your system. If you don't a half-decent video card then don't bother. Adding the full package will probably cut your framerate in half, so if you're not already getting 40-60 FPS outdoors to begin with, I wouldn't bother with it.