But this does raise some questions on how the actual creature and world will be.
For we obvious different climates of Skyrim like we saw different zones of Morrowind (Ashland, West Gnast, Sheogorard,etc), which will be interesting but it depends where they are..for we saw at first a costal plain and then what seemed to be a forest in Skyrim. So would Skyrim has lush forests near its borders to Hammerfell or to Morrowind?
Though on a more serious question, we see how our Nord may look and sound like. We even saw a few villages, but how will the other races look? And, more importantly, will we have to use our apperantly knowledge of draconic tounge to communicate with dragons and try to calm them, or try to use something of a combination of magic?
Although; gotta say that their designs on the creatures are excellent, especially on the now apperantly dog models we'll face in Skyrim. Bethseda also gains my hope on this with the differenation of various town structures and looks, it seems like we're heading back to old Morrowind style of variation we so loved before.
But with that means they're different for a reason. Faction, influence, place, etc will be most likely involved in the decision.
though what did you think of the trailer, an what should have been shown more?