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Radiant Story and Economy, still in as originally announced?

PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2012 7:57 am
by Miss K
So, to people who now have the game ... Have you tried dropping stuff like your armor or weapons in town (for example), and has anyone come running asking if they could use it / fought over it with someone else e.t.c ?
Did townsfolk lure you into a duel out on the streets?

Have you tried destroying a towns economy by burning their windmills ?

We heard a lot about it during the year but what is the situation? Are they really still in, because I realize I haven't heard much about it since quite long now. And I prefer to avoid reading reviews in detail out of fear of ... well you know ... spoilers. Has that aspect of the game been reduced or is it really as they said it would be?

I'm only getting the game on the 14th, so if anyone could calm my worries, I would be grateful :)

Radiant Story and Economy, still in as originally announced?

PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2012 10:00 am
by Monika Fiolek
Nothing to offer sorry, but this is an important question for me as well.

Radiant Story and Economy, still in as originally announced?

PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2012 10:07 am
by RUby DIaz
If you drop an item in the world, most likely, an NPC will pick it up.

If you destroy a lumber mill, for example, anything produced from wood will be more expensive in that area - including wooden arrows.

Radiant Story and Economy, still in as originally announced?

PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2012 5:02 am
by Dylan Markese
So, to people who now have the game ... Have you tried dropping stuff like your armor or weapons in town (for example), and has anyone come running asking if they could use it / fought over it with someone else e.t.c ?
Did townsfolk lure you into a duel out on the streets?

Have you tried destroying a towns economy by burning their windmills ?

We heard a lot about it during the year but what is the situation? Are they really still in, because I realize I haven't heard much about it since quite long now. And I prefer to avoid reading reviews in detail out of fear of ... well you know ... spoilers. Has that aspect of the game been reduced or is it really as they said it would be?

I'm only getting the game on the 14th, so if anyone could calm my worries, I would be grateful :)

I dropped some weapons inside a castle throne room, and where reprimanded by a guard to please stop letting weapons float around unattended. i got off with a warning saying it wont happen again.
I have not tried sabotaging anything yet.

Radiant Story and Economy, still in as originally announced?

PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2012 3:41 pm
by Teghan Harris
shameless bump -_-

EDIT : Oh and what about psychic guards... been reading nasty stuff about the AI on the forums.

Radiant Story and Economy, still in as originally announced?

PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2012 2:58 pm
by Robyn Howlett
i dont know about psychic, but i talked to a guard in a town, and then he accused me of thievery, even though i hadnt been detected by anyone.
he removed all my stolen goods and i paied a fine. it could be someone that was not a guard saw me though at some point, i dont know.

Radiant Story and Economy, still in as originally announced?

PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2012 7:21 am
by Isabell Hoffmann
I think I got one of those random quests earlier, a spot in the forest I walked past several times suddenly had an npc being chased by bandits, it was pretty cool after I saved her she gave me a quest to find the camp and kill them, I didn't do anything to trigger it, it just happened randomly, cool to see these things can still happen even if your just standing there doing nothing.

Radiant Story and Economy, still in as originally announced?

PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2012 1:00 am
by Kim Bradley
I think I got one of those random quests earlier, a spot in the forest I walked past several times suddenly had an npc being chased by bandits, it was pretty cool after I saved her she gave me a quest to find the camp and kill them, I didn't do anything to trigger it, it just happened randomly, cool to see these things can still happen even if your just standing there doing nothing.

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