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Werewolf - Hinterland

PostPosted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:20 pm
by cassy
Started with the creation of a generic hiker, ended up with an international playboy...
Anyway hope the profile is up to the standard, its been a ... long.. long... time...

Name: Porfirio Rubirosa Ariza
Age: 27
Height & Weight: 75kg 1,75 meter(metric)
Physical description: Blond hair, blue eyes, average build.
Clothing: Wearing dark sunglasses and a custom fitted Fioravanti suit.
Occupation: Diplomat, polo player, race car driver, jet setter, international playboy.
Hobbies: A connoisseur of fine champagne and wine, fast cars, polo and the pursuit of romantic conquest.
Possessions: A Goldfish revolution cellphone, A thin leather wallet with only a Coutts & Co.'s World Card in it, a thick roll of 100 dollar bills.
Personality: Confident, smooth talking and a bit posh.
History: Born in the Dominican republic, Rubirosa grew up in Paris and returned to the Dominican Republic after his seventeenth birthday. Here he went into politics until he ended up with his current job as inspector of embassy’s. He spends a great deal of his time traveling the world and pursuing his hobbies, most notably his constant quest for romantic escapades. A few days ago he picked up a Tesla roadster for a drive, this wonderful electric sports car proofed to be a great ride until the batteries ran out and he stranded near Hairy hill camping campground, Forced to spend the night in his car hoping he’ll be picked up soon.

Werewolf - Hinterland

PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:48 am
by Star Dunkels Macmillan
Started with the creation of a generic hiker, ended up with an international playboy...
Anyway hope the profile is up to the standard, its been a ... long.. long... time...

Name: Porfirio Rubirosa Ariza

Looks good to me! :thumbsup:

I remember seeing your name pop up several times when I started - look, Ratwar even,31.0.html of one of your hosted games!

Werewolf - Hinterland

PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:03 am
Still have a few pages worth of hosting material laying around here, maybe for if i get hooked again. ;)
Anyway, looking forward to the game.

/ edit /

Added a picture to the profile.

/ edit /

I see Ratwar has joined, do i cast my vote against him now or do i have to wait until Saturday? ;)

Werewolf - Hinterland

PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:04 am
by sarah simon-rogaume
I see Ratwar has joined, do i cast my vote against him now or do i have to wait until Saturday? ;)

I'd say at least wait for him to submit a profile.

Werewolf - Hinterland

PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:31 pm
by Ashley Tamen
reading through all of these character profiles made me think if there was a camp that seriously had all these kind of people attending... I would be frightened and would want to go home. haha seriously! we have some very creative people in here!

Werewolf - Hinterland

PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 11:41 am
by Baby K(:
Well, modern day setting, so... If I delve into my little Werewolf Family Tree, I have only two options here. There's Irvine of course, but he wouldn't fit in too well here. Whereas...

Name: Michael West

Age: 32
Physical description: Michael West, like his brother Irvine, stands at an even 6'1" tall. Unlike his brother, however, he has let himself go considerably more: He's at a relatively mediocre build, with a bit of 'pleasant pudge' as he likes to call it. He has black hair and plain brown eyes. Hair is kept close-cut and ordered, thanks to his work.
Clothing: A three-piece business suit, though he does have more 'relaxed' clothing on hand for when his family arrives. This consists of the world's ugliest hawaiian shirt and jeans, a combination made in Hell.
Occupation: He owns a chain of department stores, located in the Midwest.
Hobbies: He has a penchant for woodcarving: Every figurine he has, he has crafted very painstakingly by hand. Lately, he's even taken to painting them, to give them a bit more 'life'.

Possessions: A full set of his carvings for him to work on. These include: A tall werewolf, looking surprisingly solemnly down; An angel, with its wings painted black, folded around in front of a wispy black blade (Side note, this one actually can 'mix' with the wolf carving, giving the angel the appearance of protecting the wolf); A carving of his brother, Irvine, wearing his traditional trench coat, cowboy hat, and shades. However, the right side of his face is warped ominously, blending out into a snout; As well as a few various other figurines, each intricately detailed. Alongside this, he has his carving knife (Of course), which is kept wickedly sharp at all times, a sharpening kit for that knife, a few bottles of water, and a BBQ lighter for those stubborn campfires. (Short version: Figurine set, knife, sharpener, water, lighter.)

Personality: Michael is very family oriented, and highly protective: After the falling out with his wife, he clings desperately to his two sons, often viewed as his weakpoint. Any insult or threat towards them - or indeed younger kids in general - tends to set Michael off very easily. Aside from that, however, Michael is mostly happily reserved: He doesn't step out into the spotlight too often, but will instead stay off to one side unless he is specifically called for. If he's called to do work, however, he moves with great reluctance: He's wealthy, why should he work?

History: After he and his brother separated when they were very young, Michael took the opposite path of his brother. While Irvine went the 'illegal' route and dipped into mercenary activity, Michael set out to form his own little niche in life, setting up a surprisingly successful store which eventually blossomed into a full chain of them. However, this kept him running rather ragged, so his wife - growing tired of her absent husband - eventually left, with Michael's two young sons in tow. Torn apart, he withdrew from his chain for the most part, and has instead set about trying to retrieve his precious sons: The long trip he made to this campground is just a sign of that. It was here that he was supposed to meet his wife and sons for a long-overdue bit of quality time with them. They appear to have vanished on him, however, as they still have yet to arrive... And he may never live to see their arrival at all.

Werewolf - Hinterland

PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 10:33 am
by Ray
Thanks to Scruffy the Janitor I think Mr E. is required to put ""I died doing what I love" Scruffy says turning a page in one of his dirty magazines." in his day one writeup.

Werewolf - Hinterland

PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:47 pm
by sunny lovett
Thanks to Scruffy the Janitor I think Mr E. is required to put ""I died doing what I love" Scruffy says turning a page in one of his dirty magazines." in his day one writeup.

Scruffy's work here is done just beginnin'.

Werewolf - Hinterland

PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:41 pm
by Ysabelle
Room for one more?

Werewolf - Hinterland

PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:13 am
by Queen
Room for one more?

There's room for precisely one more. You're welcome to be that one.

Werewolf - Hinterland

PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:03 am
by Samantha Wood
haha nice reference character. :biggrin:

Scruffy believes in this camp *wipes misty eye*

Thanks to Scruffy the Janitor I think Mr E. is required to put ""I died doing what I love" Scruffy says turning a page in one of his dirty magazines." in his day one writeup.

Scruffy's work here is done just beginnin'.

Sniff! *wipes tear* "Scruffy is thankful for all the support."

Werewolf - Hinterland

PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:08 am
by Lady Shocka
When will we be on the road?

Werewolf - Hinterland

PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:49 am
by sara OMAR
Name: Norman Norm
Age: 29
Physical Description: 5’8”, pale, heavy set, blue eyes, long curly red hair
Clothing: white striped blue shirt, beach shorts, sandals
Occupation: comic book shop owner
Hobbies: reading comic books, playing dungeons and dragons, nature walks
Possessions: reading glasses, sunscreen, game manual, comic book
Personality: shy, nervous when talking to others, sympathetic, determined
History: Realizing it was the final weekend to go on his weekly nature walk at his favorite campground, Norman knew he had to be there. Grabbing his favorite Superman comic book, he soon set off on his bicycle. Norman soon figured out he should have stayed home.

Werewolf - Hinterland

PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:44 am
by Bambi
Sniff! *wipes tear* "Scruffy is thankful for all the support."

No problem Scruffy! You own over 40% of our camps stock.

Werewolf - Hinterland

PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 11:50 am
by Laura Wilson
When will we be on the road?

First day will begin about 22 hours from now ;)

Werewolf - Hinterland

PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 5:29 am
by CRuzIta LUVz grlz
Name: Bill Wilson
Age: 28
Physical description: He’s pretty tall and in shape with short blond hair
Clothing: Bluejeans and a red T-Shirt
Occupation: Corporate Lawyer
Hobbies: Model building, very meticulous model building (an exception to his usual lack of motivation). He also enjoys reading
Possessions: Blackberry (with an intentionally dead battery so no calls from work), walking stick, water bottle
Personality: A bit subservient and meek. He’s the type of person that does good work, but you’ve got to stay after him a bit. Not very motivated. Has a pessimistic outlook on life.
History: Bill’s here because he loves the great outdoors. He’s a lawyer because that’s what his mother wanted him to be. He isn’t a very good one either, so he works as an underling lawyer at a big firm with very little ambition to go farther than that. He loves camping because there’s nobody to tell him what to do, and he can do what he wants, which is mostly absolutely nothing.

Werewolf - Hinterland

PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 10:16 am
by electro_fantics
Name: Marcus Smith
Age: 20
Physical description: Tall,gangly, all legs, with pianist fingers. Curly black hair, wide brown eyes, with sharp features and a long face. Pronounced cheekbones. Wearing rimless glasses because he doesn't want to take his contacts camping.
Clothing: Light blue oxford, sleeves rolled up, top button open, with a loose orange tie. Dark-blue jeans.
Occupation: Engineering student. Duh.
Hobbies: Wiring up light and music shows with LEDs and MIDI files, playing guitar, swimming, climbing up buildings and trees with his bare hands with Spiderman-like dexterity.
Possessions: Pocket wire clippers, pocket calculator, guitar pick, small notebook, pencil.
Personality: Mumbles, makes limited eye contact, stares off into space thinking about things, but occasionally intervenes with a massive, sincere rant. Extremely empathetic but blind to social cues. Speaks nonlinearly but anolytically. Self-righteous; wants to accomplish a life he can be proud of.
History: Born in the suburbs. At age five, loved Legos and computer coding. Discovered in college that engineering is basically a combination of the two. Eventually overwhelmed by the extent to which living in a lab in front of the sixty hertz flicker of a computer screen made him feel like a pod person, he went camping for a getaway.

Werewolf - Hinterland

PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:13 pm
by Prue
Capital and FateOrFatality, you have 3 hours remaining to submit a profile and take part in this game. After then (6:30PM EST) I'll be generating the roles and sleeping locations and getting role PMs together for the game. Thank you for your time!

Now gather around the campfire...

Werewolf - Hinterland

PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 9:37 am
by Dan Endacott
Capital and FateOrFatality, you have 3 hours remaining to submit a profile and take part in this game. After then (6:30PM EST) I'll be generating the roles and sleeping locations and getting role PMs together for the game. Thank you for your time!

Now gather around the campfire...

... ... ... ...

I declare the host to be the first one to die. I will lead the crusade personally, for daring to refer back to that travesty. It is the only way to repay my approximate one minute six seconds of pain and blood loss via aneurysm.

Werewolf - Hinterland

PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:07 am
by James Rhead
... ... ... ...

I declare the host to be the first one to die. I will lead the crusade personally, for daring to refer back to that travesty. It is the only way to repay my approximate one minute six seconds of pain and blood loss via aneurysm.

What, am I the master of time and space, now? I certainly know when I'm Rickrolled that I don't have to suffer through the entire song. Be a man and cut the video off early!

You do realize that by so vehemently opposing the sponge, you make it all the more tempting for me to reference it again - perhaps several times over...

Werewolf - Hinterland

PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 5:43 am
by Rachael
Can a guy still get in on this?

Werewolf - Hinterland

PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:21 am
by ILy- Forver
Can a guy still get in on this?

A guy can; there's one open spot left (plus two reservations that may go by the wayside :cryvaultboy: )...

I'd appreciate if you filled out a character sheet soon, though!

Werewolf - Hinterland

PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 11:03 am
You got it boss. Give me a few.

Werewolf - Hinterland

PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:45 pm
by Mandy Muir
Name: Johnny Masterson
Age: 28
Physical description: 6'3", 300 lbs, brown eyes and hair, out of shape.
Clothing: A red t-shirt and black pants, black bandanna and sunglasses.
Occupation: Unemployed, part time pizza delivery guy
Hobbies: Play video games, go to the bar, hang out with friends
Possessions: Cigarettes and lighter, wallet with a picture of his daughters, bottle of vodka, pens and sketchpad, pup tent, and blankets
Personality: Jovial and good-natured, quick to laugh at a good joke and share a drink, can be brooding and introspective
History: Johnny is a well-educated, but down on his luck, guy. He was laid off from work a year ago. He's a father of 2 daughters, who he'd do anything in the world for. He likes to have a good time and decided a camping trip was just what the doctor ordered to clear his mind.

Werewolf - Hinterland

PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:47 am
by Quick draw II
Okay, folks. Gotta end the profile submissions here. Sorry to wolf bite, Capital and FateOrFatality - please feel free to watch as the game progresses, and take part in the next one.

Game should begin in roughly 5 hours.