Every time I attempt to enter Riverwood I am attacked by the villagers. At one point I entered wearing imperial gear which is the only thing I can think of that would have set them off. Is there any way I can placate them without restarting my game?
Every time I attempt to enter Riverwood I am attacked by the villagers. At one point I entered wearing imperial gear which is the only thing I can think of that would have set them off. Is there any way I can placate them without restarting my game?
Character abuse Hotline: 1-800-HelpMe-Ican'tMakeany-villageFriends
Gear has nothing to do with it. I imagine you'll have to restart, and I'm just wondering...did you perhaps attack the guy who escorts you through the intro? they don't like that.
The same thing happened to me. I just ran away. Eventually I went to another city and a guard stopped me and told me I had to pay a fine. After I paid the fine Riverwood wasn't hostile with me anymore.