Another note left behind for the future:
It begins to seem that a likely cause of the sleep/wait issues inside of and beyond the starter dungeon is the fact that the 'setinchargen' flag was turned on, but never turned off.
setinchargen is this (stupid little) flag (imo) that is "only" responsible-- so far as the Wiki will tell you-- for tracking your skill use in the tutorial dungeon so that a DefaultClass can be generated for the player, enabling an "educated guess" from Baurus when you go to pick your class, and presumably some kind of reasonable levelup when you exit the sewer exit (is there anybody who doesn't level up to 2 when they exit the sewers? Well how does the game know, unless it's tracking somehow? My guess is that this is how).
But its now coming to light that this (stupid little) flag does substantially more:
The setinchargen command tells the game that you are still in the character generation process. I'm not sure of what all that means under the hood, but amongst other things, it does not process AI packages on wait, doesn't heal NPCs on wait, and it keeps track of all your skill increases so that it can suggest a class for you. If the alternate start mod never formally ends the chargen process with "setinchargen 0", then the game will keep tracking your skill increases and never process AI packages on wait.
I believe the purpose is to give the starter dungeon that "time stands still" feeling that it has. For instance, when you are following along behind the Emperor, Baurus and the other one, try hitting the wait button and waiting an hour. Or a full 24 hours, even. When you are finished waiting, Uriel and the blades are still trodding along in the exact same spots they were 24 hours earlier. You can do this repeatedly, following the Emperor through the prison ruins for weeks and weeks according to the game calendar, presumably to give the player plenty of time to heal up by resting without throwing the story off kilter.
This effect works well in the starter dungeon, but it doesn't work so well in Cyrodiil proper. Meeting up with Armand Cristophe is a real pain when wait doesn't work properly.
So this seems to be a big reveal in terms of why I have often had such a hard time using realism mods successfully in the starter dungeon (Survival Suite HTS used to work around this by simply giving you a two-day "grace period" before you ever got hungry or tired), although I don't know why the lack of processing NPC AI while time was still passing would bork up a realism mod's scripts. But I could see how this discontinuity (time is passing for you, and the calendar is advancing, but the world is frozen in the past in some way) could confuse any mod.
But that's not the problem, as such. Or at least not the biggest/most relevant. The biggest/most relevant issue is that this (damn annoying) flag is turned on pretty much behind the backs of everyone, so no alt start mods know to turn it off, unless it's by accident, or one goes through the tute dungeon where it's turned off in the normal course of events.
As you may remember, my current working theory is that the CharacterGen quest script is hardcoded to start when you click "New" in the Main Menu. I believe this because the first act of the script is to bring up the Race Menu, which, as we all know, is the first thing that happens when you warp into the prison cell (or the intro film ends, however you want to say it), and this happens even though the Charactergen quest is not startgame enabled. But there's no other command anywhere that brings up the race menu (and if the script wasn't responsible, then why would the command be there in the first place?).
The second act of the script is to set the Charactergen quest to stage 5, whose stage result is--- yes, you guessed it, setinchargen 1 . Which makes perfect sense, since if you've started a new game, you obviously are in chargen. But. Since the script started the quest, and the quest set the flag, and the startscript was hardcoded somewhere where you never knew it
had started, and subsequently set the flag that does a whole lot more mojo than we realized... nobody realizes that they have to turn it
off to stop it wreaking havok once you've entered Tamriel (or indeed wreaking havok with realism mods operating in the alternate start environment).
setinchargen is set back to 0 naturally as a result of MQ01 88. The tutorial quest. Which everybody turns off, except to set stage
100 later, maybe. Because we have 'jumped over' stage 88 and gone straight to 100, the flag is still never reset, leaving everybody in a mess, where sleep/wait may be messed up, and greater powers may not refresh after a day, and all kinds of crappy things may occur.
Now, users playing existing games can do 'setinchargen 0' if they are informed and are running into these problems, but players of new games with alt start mods are mostly out of luck unless they fix the mods themselves, or are fortunate enough to be using a sort of alt start mod that takes them through the tute dungeon so that they pass MQ01 88 at some point.
Since you can't depend on any of that, but it could affect you, even if you don't start the mod till outside of the start area, you might seriously want to consider adding a check for setinchargen, and if it's 1, and the player is not in the tutorial dungeon/start area, but in Tamriel or other 'real' worldspace, that it should be set to 0. Just to be sure, know what I mean?
OK that's it for my documentation of obscure possible issues for today, hello, hope you're well and all that (

I'm just writing this stuff down as I learn it so that it's written down somewhere, is all)
