[RELz]/[WIPz] Vim & Vigor Advanced

Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 12:50 pm

Vim & Vigor Advanced
Author: Kearsage, FritZ FretZ, Ssenkrad

- Oblivion version 1.2.0416. Get the latest patch at http://www.elderscrolls.com/downloads/updates_patches.htm.
- COBL version 1.28. Get the latest version of COBL at http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View...ail&id=3508.
- OBSE version 0014a. Get the latest version of OBSE at http://obse.silverlock.org/.

Vim & Vigor Advanced Introduction:
V&V Advanced is essentially a role-player's "realism" mod. It is designed to simulate the need for food, water and sleep. A side effect of these dependencies is the development of a cadence to play-style that separates day from night. Daily activities will need to be planned ahead to take advantage of the day's allotted energy. Riding a horse becomes a practical choice, as the day's energies are better spent clearing a dungeon than running to get there. Walking becomes a realistic choice as it conserves the day's precious energies. Night becomes a time of rest.

How It's Done:
Having low fatigue in vanilla Oblivion has little if any noticeable affect on gameplay. You can still attack, ostensibly doing 'less' damage, and even at zero fatigue, you can still sprint and jump around without penalty. The fatigue system in vanilla Oblivion served little purpose. This mod makes a change to the basic assumption about the fatigue bar. Now, the fatigue bar represents your overall exhaustion from the rigors of adventuring. When it drops low, you will need to sleep to recover it. Keeping yourself fed will slow the rate at which you tire out.

Your character will gain a set number of additional fatigue points based on the time scale you choose. Running, jumping and fighting will all decrease your fatigue. Staying fed will stop your fatigue from draining while walking or standing still. This means that you will become exhausted in about 18 hours of game-time. If you don't ever eat, you will only last about 4 hours or so, depending on how much fatigue-draining activity you engage in. Staying fed is, therefore, paramount to your character's success.

The only way to regenerate fatigue, without the use of magic or potions, is through sleep (in a bed). If you wait rather than sleep, your digestion will continue, and if you wait too long on an empty stomach, your fatigue will eventually drop to zero or below and you will pass out.

Upgrading From Previous Versions of Vim & Vigor:
You must make a "Clean Save" in order to successfully uninstall previous versions of Vim and Vigor.
1) Start Oblivion and load your savegame with your current version of Vim & Vigor STILL ACTIVATED.
2) Open the console by pressing the "~" key. Type:
StartQuest UninstallVimVigor
Then press Enter and close the console by pressing the "~" key again. YOU MUST DO THIS TO ENSURE YOUR SAVEGAME DOES NOT GET CORRUPTED.
3) Wait for the Message Box telling you that the mod has been sucessfully uninstalled, then save your game into a NEW save game slot.
4) Exit Oblivion.
5) Follow the instructions for uninstalling your current version of Vim & Vigor.
6) Start Oblivion, load the new save game (select "Continue"), then save your game to a NEW save game slot.
7) Exit Oblivion.
8) You are now ready to install Vim & Vigor Advanced!

- Install COBL as instructed in it's ReadMe File.
- Install OBSE as instructed in it's ReadMe File.
- Required Files: Copy VVAdvanced.esm, VVAdvanced.esp, and VVAdvanced.bsa from the archive to your Oblivion\Data folder. Activate the VVAdvanced.esm, and VVAdvanced.esp files in the Oblivion Launcher/Data Files menu.
- Optional Files: If you have the Shivering Isles Expansion installed, copy VVAdvanced-SI.esp to your Oblivion\Data folder, and activate it in the Oblivion Launcher/Data Files menu.
- Load Order:
Cobl Main.esm
Cobl Glue.esp
Cobl SI.esp

Vim & Vigor Advanced Version History:
1.00 (released 03/07/08)
- Initial release of Vim & Vigor Advanced by Ssenkrad.

1.00b (released 03/08/08)
- Patch - Requires 1.00 full download.
- Fixed (?) the food value script.

1.00c (released 03/08/08)
- Patch - Requires 1.00 full download.
- More work on the food value script.

Future Plans:
- Using the functionality of the Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE), I plan to overhaul the spell and potion effects, to do away with the message spam and potion equip "clink".
- Will work on adding an animation to externalized eating.
- Optimizing the scripts.

Known Issues:
- Eating Utensils: When replaced using the menu, they will lose their havok (stop working properly). I am aware of this, and am working to resolve this issue (reported by LadyDeadlock).

- Do not use Oblivion's "Wait" feature while in the tutorial portion of the game. If you use the "Wait" feature before exiting the sewers and thereby completing the tutorial portion of the game, your character will pass out and will not regain consciousness in any reasonable timeframe. This is due to the way time passes while waiting in the tutorial portion only. Once you have exited the sewers and completed the tutorial, the "Wait" feature may be used at your discretion. Thanks go out to Entwood for helping FritZ FretZ to sort this out.

- If you choose to modify your character before leaving the sewers, your character will lose the scripted portion of the meal currently equipped. This results in the meal effect spell not being removed properly from your character. There are three alternatives solutions to this issue. First, avoid modifying your character at the sewer's exit. Second, only modify your character if they don't have a meal equipped. Finally, allow the script effect to be removed; The next time your character sleeps and eats breakfast, the issue will resolve itself.

Compatibility With Specific Mods:
- KCAS Compatibility: All that can be done from a V&V standpoint has been to make V&V KCAS compatible. However, KCAS alters base fatigue in a way that destroys the V&V placed Vigor ability spell. Therefore, IN ORDER TO ACHIEVE FULL V&V/KCAS COMPATIBILITY, it will be necessary to modify two of KCAS's scripts. As of KCAS v2.4.1, line number 167 of "1KobuLevelUpSCRIPT" and line number 232 of "KobuDerivedAttributesSCRIPT" need to be commented out by adding a semi-colon to the beginning of the line. The revised lines in both cases should look like this:

;player.SetActorValue Fatigue NewStamina

Note also that using the set new stamina (fatigue) function in KCAS's "Custom Race" menu will also cause problems with V&V. DO NOT USE THIS FUNCTION IN CONJUCTION WITH V&V.
Thanks to Miriamel for all the help with finding these issues.

- V&V is now fully compatible with Open Cities Complete v1.05.
Thanks to NeonDaze for all the help testing this feature.

- Initial testing of V&V in conjunction with OOO v1.32 has proven successful, provided that V&V is loaded after OOO. Secondly, if you are using OOO's revised birthsigns, you will need to activate the FFVV_OOO_Birthsigns.esp found in the Optional_Mods folder packaged with V&V Advanced. (See the FFVV_OOO_Birthsigns_ReadMe for more information.)

- GGC Valeria and Vincente Companion Revived version 0.6 Compatability: You must disable the ability of the companion to resurect you. Do this by opening then closing their "Config" book in your inventory, then close your inventory. From the menu that pops up, select "Detail Options", then "Resurect the Player", then "No". Thanks to LadyDeadlock for helping figure this one out.

General Compatibility:
Vim & Vigor will not be compatible with other eat/sleep mods. You may also encounter compatibility issues with mods that alter the "Vampire" quest script or how PLAYER vampirism is handled in general. Mods that alter NPC vampire characteristics shouldn't be an issue.

Full credit goes to Kearsage and FriZ FretZ for the quality of this mod. I am a big fan of their work, and think Vim & Vigor brings a great deal of depth to Oblivion. I hope you feel the same after playing it for a while!

Note to users of previous versions of Vim & Vigor:
YOU NO LONGER SELECT THE FOOD ITEM ITSELF TO PREPARE RATIONS! This is now considered wortcraft, or using the ingredient as an alchemy ingredient. With V&V Advanced, you must select the -Prepare Rations- item in the 'Miscellaneous' section of your inventory to prepare food items for inclusion in a Ration Pack.


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Lloyd Muldowney
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 12:00 pm

What I meant was waiting will make me pass out (drain all my fatigue) even if I start with a full bar (3000+)

I'll try again with the Horsecombat esm loaded last, and VV loading after kobus. I've gone through the FCOM expanded load order carefully, and aside from mods which werent listed everything should be ordered correctly.

I have successfully modified KOBUS as described in the readme.

Thanks for all the help man, really appreciate it.

There is a bug in V&VA's scripts that is causing the character to pass out whenever timescale is changed. I think I know where the problem is, I just haven't had the chance to try and fix it yet. I'll get to work on it ASAP....I'm hopeing this will also solve the issue with the Immersive Waiting mod.

Sorry for having dropped the ball here lately. Alot of things are going on right now that are distracting me in real life. I recently purchased some land where I plan to move to, and the paperwork seems to flow erratically from the attorney. Seems to be waxing at the moment, meaning I'm getting up earlier, and going to bed earlier, and spending most the day in town running between the attorney's office and the court house. Also, my mom is ill and undergoing alot of tests to try and find out what is going on with her. She is staying with my sister right now, and I'm spending alot of time there with her.

I've not abandoned you guys...seriously. I just need to keep the hounds of reality at bay first, once they have been dealt with I'll get back to work on Vim & Vigor.

I appreciate everyone who is pitching in to field questions, too. I am not getting online as often a I want, so I'm not reading the thread as often as I have in the past. Thanks for the help guys!
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Hella Beast
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:48 am

There is a bug in V&VA's scripts that is causing the character to pass out whenever timescale is changed. I think I know where the problem is, I just haven't had the chance to try and fix it yet. I'll get to work on it ASAP....I'm hopeing this will also solve the issue with the Immersive Waiting mod.

I did a hotfix on my VVA to address this for the time being: I changed the part of the script that checks for timescale changes to ignore the change if it's "out of bounds". I think I have it ignoring timescales above 100. It'll do for now, but what I'm really interested in finding out is if there is any way to trick the game into thinking time is passing "normally" when it's not. Ie, in menumodes, when the timescale's cranked, etc. It would be especially neat to have time pass normally while reading books or trading with merchants, for instance.

The problem is that when you crank the timescale, spell effects (including the VVA digestion) still tick down at a rate of one realtime second per tick. Of course, when you're in menumode, they don't tick down at all. However, when you wake up from sleeping the game does something to adjust the timers on spell-type effects on your character to reduce their remaining duration by 300 seconds per hour slept. I'd love to either find out how that's done, or find out how to simulate it.

Does that make any sense? I'm pretty tired right now. :yawn!:

Sorry for having dropped the ball here lately. Alot of things are going on right now that are distracting me in real life.

RL takes priority, dude - we understand! I hope things work out for the best.

edit: 300 ticks/hour waited, not 3600. At timescale 2, anyhow...
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 5:38 pm

However, when you wake up from sleeping the game does something to adjust the timers on spell-type effects on your character to reduce their remaining duration by 3600 seconds per hour slept. I'd love to either find out how that's done, or find out how to simulate it.

Oh, that explains why Alternate Start Arrive By Ship specifically has/had a problem (it was fixed for at least one version, but then I think the conflict came back, but by that time I was pretty annoyed with munging my load order and trawling the scripts to see what it was, much less enablingplayercontrols all the tiem, so I just hotfixed my copy of whichever mod needed hotfixing and got on with my game).

Sskenrad will probably remember that ASABS originally had a problem (or so we, or at least I, thought), because while you have to activate a bed to exit the cell, you do not use the Sleep/Wait menu, or in fact really sleep (because the necessity to do so is not real, but a device) -- in fact, the command PCSleepHours is used to simulate sleep while avoiding the Sleep/Wait menu.

Now, at the time ASABS had several "issues"-- for example, investigating this conflict, we found that the time of day in the interior was unintentionally jumped several times by showing the race/class/birthsign menus, so that was fixed. That helped to prevent VVA from causing you to faint... sometimes. On this end, we found that even though the ASABS script did enter menumode 1012, which allowed VVA to work, the lack of a specific number of hours to sleep via the Sleep/Wait menu (because it did not appear, because it was irrelevant to ASABS, given that it was a forced sleep) seemed to confuse VVA (understandably, as PCSleepHours seems to be only a shell command that does not actually pass the setting of the forced time back to menumode 1012, so VVA couldn't calculate how long you had actually slept, and therefore how much fatigue you had lost). I believe this shadow command was also removed from ASABS (or I may have done so myself; at this point I'm no longer sure of who did what exactly with regards to the status of the release, as opposed to my private copy).

Finally I avoided the whole problem by simply telling VVA not to initialize beyond setting the timescale until after you had passed this point of the weird half-real sleep event via a hotfix such as the one above. But knowing that it's the game engine itself that may be running into "issues" when its trying to adjust the spell timers, rather than a problem in VVA as such (even if any such problem with VVA may in fact be inherited from the game engine, if we "expect" it to be counting or monitoring the passage of time in a way that it's not capable of, though we don't realize that)... well, that may be the missing link in this whole confusing problem, which, between Robert Evrae, Sskenrad, and... me... we should have solved at least 3 times by now, but somehow it kept coming back.
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Cody Banks
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 2:34 am

There might be a compability issue with TIE. Point is, TIE adds a knockout poison that drains 1200 fatigue over 4 seconds. Now I don't know how exactly VVA will react to this. Any ideas of how bad this is?
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Holli Dillon
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 1:33 pm

There might be a compability issue with TIE. Point is, TIE adds a knockout poison that drains 1200 fatigue over 4 seconds. Now I don't know how exactly VVA will react to this. Any ideas of how bad this is?

[caveat] I may be wrong, but... [/caveat]

VVA gives you a big boost of fatigue, I believe 3000 for the preferred timescale of 12. If you had more than 1200 fatigue when hit by the TIE poison, you'd just loose 1200 fatigue. You might get hungry/tired messages from VVA, but you shouldn't collapse or anything.

If you have 1200 +/-, you'd probably pass out when you hit the 0 mark and get the default VVA "You're exhausted, you'll wake up in a bit" message. When you wake up you get a tiny bit of fatigue restored (maybe 100 pts?) to let you get your act together.

Now, if you had considerably less than 1200 when you got poisoned, that's where I'm not sure of. Worst case scenario is that you'd go down to -1200 fatigue. Ick. I'm not sure if you'd get the generic message and wake up in 10 seconds (or whatever it is) and then get your little bit of fatigue back, or if the script would choke and leave you laying there for a godawful long time.

Other than having Ssenkrad confirm, all I can suggest it give it a try and let us know what happens. :P
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Carlos Rojas
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 12:15 pm

Ok this post is just a bit of information, there's no hurry on this ssenkrad while you've got so much going on in rl.

I purchased these items for making into ration packs - 2 apples,apple pie, beef and leek savory pie, 6 pieces of cheese, 3 eggs, 2 mutton 2 oranges, 3 pears, a potato bread, 1 graqes. I got two ration packs out of that to my surprise. I'm going to look around for a small farm with sheep, the merchants are bankrupting me with the amount of food I've got to buy. (no way am I eating food found in old barrels and crates, or in dead bandits pockets).

There might be a compability issue with TIE. Point is, TIE adds a knockout poison that drains 1200 fatigue over 4 seconds. Now I don't know how exactly VVA will react to this. Any ideas of how bad this is?

If your hit with any sort of fatigue poison/curse affects all you need to do is make sure you don't get too far from where you can sleep. Also don't forget about the vim ability which can see you through some situations.
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 3:43 pm

Now, if you had considerably less than 1200 when you got poisoned, that's where I'm not sure of. Worst case scenario is that you'd go down to -1200 fatigue. Ick. I'm not sure if you'd get the generic message and wake up in 10 seconds (or whatever it is) and then get your little bit of fatigue back, or if the script would choke and leave you laying there for a godawful long time.

Other than having Ssenkrad confirm, all I can suggest it give it a try and let us know what happens. :P
Well yeah, of course my concern was if you get hit with less that 1200 fatigue. It can happen that an assassin suprises you. I'll see if I can get into this kind of situation.
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 4:31 pm

Well yeah, of course my concern was if you get hit with less that 1200 fatigue. It can happen that an assassin suprises you. I'll see if I can get into this kind of situation.

I suppose that for testing purposes you could just

player.modav fatigue -1200

and see where that gets you... :)

Edit: I tested this a bit and here's what I've come up with. No wierd effects from dropping fatigue 1200 points at a time so long as you stay above zero. Once you go below, the VVA exhaustion script takes over as expected. It seems that what the "Unconscious" script does (as well as giving you the spiel about being exhausted) is regenerate your fatigue at a rate of 20 or 30 points per second up to about 300 points. You're down for the count for some minimum time (10 seconds?) or until you reach positive fatigue again - whichever comes last.. What this means is with -1199 fatigue you pass out for a good 90 seconds (or more?), regaining your feet once you get enough fatigue back.

So, I guess getting hit with that poison a few times in a row would make you as good as dead. If you're set on using TIE you could always tweak your copy of the mod to make that poison a little less "toxic."

With default fatigue (200-300 is normal I seem to remember), that poison would still knock you out for a short time until your fatigue regenerated normally - probably not 90 seconds though, unless you got hit again while you were down. Maybe experiment as above without VVA installed?
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 1:24 am

So, I guess getting hit with that poison a few times in a row would make you as good as dead.
That's of no concern, those knockout vials are really rare.
Thank you for your testing, glad it's working out nicely.
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natalie mccormick
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 2:51 pm

I noticed the other evening in the IC market district, there appears to be two wells in the same space behind edgars and rendir's. You can notice it mostly at night if there's light reflected off them, but even during the day the activator icon flickers on and off. There was talk about that well in an earlier thread so I thought I'd post about it here.
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Anthony Santillan
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:14 am

I noticed the other evening in the IC market district, there appears to be two wells in the same space behind edgars and rendir's. You can notice it mostly at night if there's light reflected off them, but even during the day the activator icon flickers on and off. There was talk about that well in an earlier thread so I thought I'd post about it here.

Yeah, there are two wells there, I've fixed this, so it will be straight in the next release...

Just a heads up for you folks; My mom has been ill for some time, Wednesday the doctors informed us she has lung cancer. Needless to say, I'm not much in the mood for modding, but I'll try to get what I have done so far tidied up and release it in the next few days. I can't make any promises beyond that.

Thanks again to you guys pitching in in my absence.
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Lynette Wilson
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 5:35 pm

Sorry to hear about your Mom Ssenkrad.
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Sunnii Bebiieh
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 4:15 pm

How do i get this to work exactly? I try clicking on an apple but he just eats it instead of making it a ration. Ive used up all the rations you get in the beginning and now I have no food to regain fatigue.

Oh, and sorry to hear about your mother.
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Captian Caveman
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 5:02 pm

Sorry to hear about your Mom, Ssenkrad. :(

I hope you and the rest of the family are otherwise well. Take care.

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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 1:43 pm

How do i get this to work exactly? I try clicking on an apple but he just eats it instead of making it a ration. Ive used up all the rations you get in the beginning and now I have no food to regain fatigue.

IN VVA you use a modified version of the COBL dinner plate. Its a misc item labeled something like "+ Pack Rations". Click on it and a container menu will open up with all the food items you have in your inventory. Click on the items you want to turn into rations and a second or 2 after you close the menu you'll get a message about the number of rations you've made. Viola.

The original VV and its many overhauls modified the first alchemy ingredient so that you could just eat it directly. VVA uses a different method in order to preserve the first alchemy function for use in alchemy.

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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 12:52 am

Oh no, that's terrible news....I'm really sorry to hear that, Ssenkrad.
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Jennifer May
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 12:27 pm

I dont have the +pack rations in my inventory. I really want to get this mod working. If it could help, here are my mods:

Cobl Main.esm
Cobl Glue.esp
OOO 1.32-Cobl.esp
Cobl Si.esp
Cobl Hmm.esp
Salmo the Baker, Cobl.esp
UFF & ROBERT Dark Fur Armor.esp
Visually Enchanted 2.1.esp
Dark Dungeons - SI.esp
Drop Lit Torches Weight.esp
Living Economy - Items.esp
Living Economy.esp
Cutthroat Merchants.esp
Harvest [Flora] - DLCFrostcrag.esp
Harvest [Flora] - DLCVileLair.esp
Harvest [Flora].esp
Harvest [Flora] - Shivering Isles.esp
Dark Dungeons.esp
Streamline 3.1.esp
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Wanda Maximoff
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 10:02 pm

I dont have the +pack rations in my inventory. I really want to get this mod working. If it could help, here are my mods:

Which items do you have from vvo, you should have an item that looks like a mortar and pestle for making rations, water and an ~eat a meal~ icon in your inventory, also the digestion timer in your spell effects menu. Also did you start this from a new game or save game. It works with both, just the tutorial dungeon you have to be carefull on exiting.
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phillip crookes
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 1:17 am

Which items do you have from vvo, you should have an item that looks like a mortar and pestle for making rations, water and an ~eat a meal~ icon in your inventory, also the digestion timer in your spell effects menu. Also did you start this from a new game or save game. It works with both, just the tutorial dungeon you have to be carefull on exiting.

I have the Eat a meal, "Next meal - ", Eating utensils and the waterskins. When I click "Eat a meal" it says I dont have any prepared rations. I have a mortar and pestle, but that only makes potions.

I started with a new game, but I didnt have COBL activated in the mods from the beginning. And I think, if I remember correctly, I did some tweaking to the appearance of my character. I now remember I read somewhere that I wasnt supposed to do that when in the tutorial dungeon but I forgot.
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Theodore Walling
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 8:35 pm

I have the Eat a meal, "Next meal - ", Eating utensils and the waterskins. When I click "Eat a meal" it says I dont have any prepared rations. I have a mortar and pestle, but that only makes potions.

I started with a new game, but I didnt have COBL activated in the mods from the beginning. And I think, if I remember correctly, I did some tweaking to the appearance of my character. I now remember I read somewhere that I wasnt supposed to do that when in the tutorial dungeon but I forgot.

The only thing you have to watch when altering your character with the console is that you dont have a meal effect active, if you did it can cause problems with vvo. I would recomend you uninstall vvo using the console command, StartQuest UninstallVimVigor with the vvo mod still activated, then save it and deactivate. Sounds a bit confusing but I've sorted my game out once using this. Load your game up and make sure your character is ok with no permanent fatigue increase then save and activate vvo again. Make sure you don't save over any old games though.
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Kelly John
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 10:36 pm

Ok, its working now. Thanks for the help!
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Erika Ellsworth
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 3:44 pm

Ok, its working now. Thanks for the help!

I second the thank you.

Just posting to let you guys know my mom passed away yesterday. I'm home to pack some bags, and will be going to Indiana where her services will be held. I'll probebly be out of town for about a week. I am really looking forward to getting back to work on V&V...the distraction will do me good, I think. I'll post again when I get home.
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Aaron Clark
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 1:06 pm

I'm saddened by your loss. My wishes go with you as you lay her to rest.

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Hayley Bristow
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 8:07 pm

Ny deepest condolences to you, and the rest of your family.
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