I was watching CNN this morning(at about 2 A.M.) and I was informed(by CNN) of a man being stabbed in New York City and no one stopping to help him. This was caught on a video camera. The guy collapsed within the camera's sight and everyone who walked by him didn't seem to care(and they saw him). One guy stopped pulled out his cellphone, took a picture of the dying man, and walked away. Then, a psychiatrist explained what he thought about this on CNN. He claimed popular culture(movies, specifically mentioned video games) has so much violence in it that people are becoming desensitized and more accepting of violence. Even with such an explanation, I still can't believe no one stopped to help him. No one called 911, and when someone finally arrived to the area(I believe CNN mentioned him being found and taken to a hospital by firefighters, but I can't remember for sure), he was dead. Can popular culture really have anything to do this, are people just selfish morons sometimes, or is it both? Are video games having this effect on people, or is that just some more "blame it on video games" talk? What are your thoughts about this?
P.S. I'm never living in New York City if people there are that unfriendly. Are they?