One thing that I think would be a good addition to the game would be if all your weapons appeared on the player when sheathed or put away. In Oblivion when You look at the character in 3rd person you'll see that when you equip a weapon the one you were currently using disappears. I always thought it would be better if all my weapons stayed sheathed on my body, Like when I play Oblivion I thought it would be better if my stealth character could have both his bow on his back and dagger at his side when they're put away.
I think one way of solving the problem of "what if I'm carrying a bunch of looted weapons to sell? I don't want them to appear on my back or sheath." would be perhaps only the weapons bound to the quick equip keys would be seen as your weapons, and maybe have it so that only 2 or 3 would be visible on the player. It would also be better for a duel swordsman to have both his swords on his sides or back instead of one, or a mage with their staff on their back and a dagger on the side, youget the idea.
Tell me what you think of this idea, I hope it's something they implement in the game.
... yet another feature in Witcher and Witcher 2

.. Although I must say, in Witcher 1 the placement of the swords (the daggers looked cool strapped to the leg), and the fact they had no sheaths, made it look awkward. In W2, they do have sheaths for back weapons, and no loner are crisscrossed, which looks really cool.