It's not as unusual as it sounds. I've seen people in their twenties, no trouble at all, suddenly have some problems and decide to get laser eye surgery JUST because they don't want to have to wear glasses/get contacts.
I then like to snicker, because I know that it means they will have to get many repeat surgeries for what is a futile effort: they're gonna have to get glasses in the end no matter what.
Yes if you sit too close to a TV or PC Monitor it can degrade your vision to where you need glasses. I've been told different theories, ideas, and proposed facts as to why this happens, but its still really up in the air. However it does happen so yes it can harm your eyes to the point you may require glasses. As for "Curtailing" your vision I don't think that's possible however you maybe able to prolong your not needing glasses/eye harm. Just make sure to sit about arms length away from the monitor and take breaks every so often looking at something else.
I'd love to see the studies to back this up. I've never heard one of the doctors at work say this, but they do make me take periodic "eye" breaks for eyestrain (I also have an infinite supply of eyedrops
Don't get me wrong: everything you said is stuff I'd consider very good advice, but that's because it mitigates Computer Vision Syndrome, not because it decreases the chances of permanently damaging your vision.
For the second question no I don't believe that is at all possible. Over time your vision does change and you may go from near sighted to far sighted or vice versa. However I have been told wearing glasses at a computer monitor can help out cause it reduces like glare or something.
Wearing computer glasses can help out very much with Computer Vision Syndrome, as it helps keep your eyes from drying out quite as fast as well as cut out the glare/extreme contrast, however, thise doesn't help out your vision, just reduces eyestrain.