for those of you who would like to have some customizations on the game, I have a tip. I specially talk to the community who haven't bought the game so long ago. Maybe you know, don't you? It is a platform for developers which are making stuff like maps, mods, weapon skins, whole new games etc. Anyhow I don't want to imagine you that platform. I want to imagine you some of the best works on it. A lot of good works from crysis-players have been created in the crysis 2 history. As I said that are mostly maps, mods and weapon skins. As well for multiplayer as for the singleplayer. I personally prefer mp mods.
I want to keep it as short as I can:
I am working on a website, called, which features the best maps, mods and weapon skins for Crysis 2. For you guys, it is easier to get customizations because the view of the site is clearer.
By now I want you to visit the site and to have a look on one of the best maps:
Poolday, a map by Ozykz:
Yours sincereley
Poolday, a map by Ozykz:
Yours sincereley