So I was initially less than impressed with Nevada Skies, whether it was simply due to the fact I had been spoiled by excellent weather and graphical mods in Fallout 3 or if it was the oversaturated sky I'm not quite sure. So on a recent reinstall I've been running IMAGINATOR, Fellout and NMCs Texture Pack as well as a Sunglare fx replacer. Now the time has come when darker nights, a change in tint and some flashy shaders just don't cut it for me. I'm trying to decide between reinstalling Nevada Skies and using the IMAGINATOR/NS menus to tweak the coloring to my own personal liking; or I will use Project Reality. I just want to know which mod will work best will all the visual mods I listed above.
Also some other tangents, what exactly does URWL entail? I know Nevada Skies has a version that is URWL ified and that the Imaginator can use that as an emittor setting but I'm not sure if its a special install or not.
On another note, im noticing some strange flickering among the distant LOD landscape, I'm under the presumption that its due to one of these graphical mods, does this bug sound familiar?
Lastly and thanks for sticking with me this long; would Nevada Skies and Project Reality be compatible with ElectroCITY?