Honestly though, I'm not sure that the reason they remove features is because they spent too much time making a prettier map. Maybe it is. I hope that it's not.
They remove features because of system limitations and the need to stay graphically competitive. They could make a game as big as Daggerfall for the 360 with Morrowind graphics and it would be the deepest RPG ever, but it wouldnt look good.
I wonder about this. I've started to ask myself a series of questions and think about it.
How long does it take for a developer to make 1 tree in Skyrim?
--How long did it take the developer to make 1 tree in Oblivion?
-- --How long did it take the developer to make 1 tree in Morrowind?
What about a house? Did it take developers 30 minutes to make a house in Morrowind, 40 to make one for Oblivion, and 50 to make one for Skyrim? Or, as I suppose, does it take about the same amount of time for each?
What if they were to do it today, like some have said?
If Bethesda today were to make Morrowind, would it take them fewer development hours? They could do it faster, sure, but that's because they have more people and better computers. But in terms of the actual man-hours that go into the graphics themselves, could they really make a morrowind object that much faster than a more modern version for Skyrim?
I propose that's not true. I'm going out on a limb here, but I'm going to say it anyway. I don't think that better graphics actually remove proportionally increasing amounts of time from the development process.
So how and why are graphics getting better? For two reasons. First, the computer systems that Bethesda can use to create their graphics are more powerful. They can render better models and images in the same time that it used to take to make the older, less ones. Second, the target market's average technical capabilities are vastly superior to what they were. If computers in 2002 were anything near as effective as they are today, then Morrowind would have had similar graphics to Skyrim.
In my opinion, it's as simple as that. I don't think that developers are sacrificing more and more of their development time with each cycle in order to dedicate that time to better graphics. Better visuals does not result in any loss of gameplay features, value, or depth simply because they have less time to work on these story elements. I think the only reason graphics are getting better is because they can.
Now I'm open to suggestions here. I've created this thread because I really would like to find out how many of you feel about the graphics developments in Skyrim. Are those pretty pictures and 3d interface options taking away from your gameplay experience? Do you feel cheated because you have nice visuals, because you know that good graphics takes away from depth?
If anyone has any hard data on this it would be incredible. Can anyone compare developer hours from Oblivion to Morrowind? Does anyone know more about how video game graphics are made, and what sorts of resources it really takes to create worlds and effects like Skyrim has? Does that take away from developing other aspects of the game?
I doubt that it does, but I would like to know. Have at!