No, we cannot return. Resdaynia was a united Dunmer nation, a united Tribunal and their Hortator unburdened by the sin of their mutual betrayal. The death of Resdaynia, the betrayal of Dagoth, the assassination of the Hortator by his right-hand men and woman... that was the death of Nerevar. His death, in my mind, was the closing word of the ending chapter, a chapter which would have just as well ended without it. Much would be different had Nerevar not died, but I believe that Resdayn would have been lost even if he had remained alive. It was a symbol, a state of being, more than it was a nation. It will come again in the fifth but it will not be as it was in the first.
Excuse me if I ramble. It is my belief that Nerevar's death was simply another round of recycling necessary for his ascension, and that Resdaynia is a state of mind.
You guys have hit so many buttons in this thread it's hard to know where to begin. But that little word Sithis is fun - so maybe would be about right.
As a Nerevarine I chose to believe and then disbelieve Vivec ... mostly I support the belief side, but since this is about Vekh and Vekh here is the other side:
Seeing Through the Lies
The sin of the Dwemer was the creation of a new god from the substance of a dead god, Lorkhan. That is also the sin for which we would destroy Dagoth Ur. I hesitate to call it 'sin'. More properly, call it 'destructive evil'. The sin of the Tribunal, however, is in the breaking of an oath to Azura to forebear from tapping the Heart with Kagrenac's tools, and in the folly of seeking to become gods. Breaking the oath was evil. Becoming gods was folly. If we sinned, we have paid the price.
This is a load of codswollop. See here Vivec has told you that The Dwemer took the substance of a God to make another God ... and goes on to deny that he and his two accomplices did likewise. But if he did not take the substance of the Heart in the same way that Kagrenac did, what did he do? Vivec et al took Lorkhan's substance to make 3 new gods of themselves - and they failed - they became demi-gods. As much or more vampires as vampires or as the Ash Vampires are presented in that they were siphoning off the substance of a sleeping God to prolong their unnatural lives. Read on - for according to Vivec's own words Lorkhan is not dead - because:
:to be a god:
"It is like being a juggler. Things are always moving, and you learn to know where they are without even thinking about it. Only there are many, many things moving. And sometimes, like any juggler, you drop something. I'm afraid it has become a lot more a matter of dropping things lately. There's too much to do, and not enough time, and I'm losing my touch. Perhaps I'm growing old."
"It is a bit like being at once awake and asleep. Awake, I am here with you, thinking and talking. Asleep, I am very, very busy. Perhaps for other gods, the completely immortal ones, it is only like that being asleep. Out of time. Me, I exist at once inside of time and outside of it."
"It's nice never being dead, too. When I die in the world of time, then I'm completely asleep. I'm very much aware that all I have to do is choose to wake. And I'm alive again. Many times I have very deliberately tried to wait patiently, a very long, long time before choosing to wake up. And no matter how long it feels like I wait, it always appears, when I wake up, that no time has passed at all. That is the god place. The place out of time, where everything is always happening, all at once."
There you are, gods (and demi-gods sustained by stolen God-Power siphoned from the living heart of a sleeping God) do not die - acording to the liar Vivec - they sleep. So (to answer an earlier matter in this thread) Vivec would not mind being killed. But more importantly when Vivec talks about
a new god from the substance of a dead god, Lorkhan
he lies by misleading - if you swallowed what he said whole. So he and his pals paid for nothing - they stole substance from a sleeping God and used it to make themselves powerful, and then in his twisted hubris Vivec manipulated the Nerevarine into finally destroying the Stone of Red Mountain - one of the anchors that keeps the Mundus whole? Maybe he was just as mad as Almalexia - and maybe the reason Sotha-Sil was murdered was because he opposed the destruction of the Heart?
So if Vivec really did as described in the Trial was it because he had actually been Azura's Ally? Does Azura, like the Leaping Demon King want to leave the Grey Maybe, but Her manner is nicer?
Regarding the Ash Vampires? If anything the Ash Vampires may have ascended (as far as that goes, without necesarily becoming Gods) under their own power and were true compared with Dagoth Ur and Vivec:
:Dagoth Ur's servants:
"Chief among his servants are his seven brothers, the ash vampires, powerful heartwights and cunning sorcerers of old. These creatures appear to die, but always are revived at the Heart. Somehow Dagoth Ur has conferred some portion of his immortality upon them. Or perhaps they sustain themselves through more conventional sorcery."
Where is Vivec in the political scheme of things?
:people of Morrowind:
"I love the people of Morrowind. I became a god to make their lives more comfortable and secure. I am most close to my faithful followers; I am literally in their hearts and minds. I feel the most sympathy with House Redoran; they are Dunmer driven by creeds and deeds, like I am. House Indoril is closer to the compassion and sympathy of Almalexia, a comfortable and secure serenity. House Telvanni matches the disposition of my brother Sotha Sil -- iconoclastic, profane, unconventional."
"House Hlaalu represents the future of the Dunmer, integrated into the sophisticated mainstream of the traditionless, raceless, godless culture of the Empire. House Dres represents the past of pre-Tribunal Great House culture, a persistent tradition of Daedra- and ancestor-worshipping civilized Dunmer clans. And I even love the Ashlanders for their preservation of the most ancient barbarian tribal traditions of the Dunmer who first settled Morrowind."
Let's see, Vivec states that he has most sympathy with Redoran ... but he is known as a rogue: a thief, a romantic and a liar - when was he ever a 'soldier'? Nerevar, the one whose avatar you become was a soldier - a very clever manipulation of your sympathy for the role you are playing. Truth to tell he likely loves Redoran and Indoril for being total mugs and feeding his power - but do not read like into sympathy.
Vivec states that Almalexia is closest to Indoril's 'comassion and sympathy'? If you accept all that Vivec has said then maybe ... but then given the way Vivec has manipulated (or tried to manipulate you through your basic 'history') do you trust Vivec or do you rather trust your own experiences?
Vivec, has something in common with Almalexia - they are both described to you as caring beings ... by those who can in no way equal their puissance or otherwise oppose them - the alternative being Dagoth Ur and the Ash Vampires who are more obviously and openly evil, who would basically turn them into mindless zombies ... and then both Vivec and Almalexia and Vivec have tried to murder you ... and someone or something (seemingly Almalexia murdered Soth-Sil) because Vivec and she would have you believe she has gone mad.
Try it another way. Vivec and Almalexia were treasonous, treacherous, murdering thugs who disguised their true natures using the power they stole from a sleeping God ... and their people did not dare disbelieve them. It does seem that Vivec and Almalexia are disciples of Mephala rather than Azura.
So maybe as some have intimated Vivec's whole speech and purpose was to seduce you into the same greed for adulation and power that he and his fellows succumed to.
Vivec was Hlaalu by nature - he wanted power for himself any way he could get it and he used Redoran and Indoril loyalty to betray all around him and keep power. Maybe because of their natures - that of predators he and Almalexia were not 'deformed' by that power as others were - but I really believe that he and Almalexia are/were blighted coprus creatures who appear to be other than that because like the Nerevarine they were possessed of extraordinary mental strength:
He also seems nearly invulnerable to physical and magical harm. His flesh, and the flesh of his followers, evolves towards a mutable, magical form. Dagoth Ur and the highest ranks can control the distorted manifestations of their flesh; lower ranks lose control of their bodies, and become mindless corprus monsters."
You will note Vivec's own description here - what is really the difference between Dagoth Ur, his Ash Zombies and other followers and the Tribunal? There are ash zombies that appear normal to the eye just as Dagoth Ur appears to ... so I believe that it's all the same thing.
There is a difference - Dagoth Ur likely used the power of the Hearth to strengthen his followers - but sadly all most all were not mentally resistant (read intelligent enough) and were unable to cope with the power of an Aedra ... so they appear monstrous - even their brains have changed thus damaging their intelligence. and that says something about Dagoth Ur's fundamental nature. He appears to have made a most grevious error. He wascorrect to trust his followers ... but he did not realise how much weaker than they were than him ... so they were all but destroyed by his 'gifts'. And his remorse at this outcome in turn all but broke his sanity.
Larstly (it has been a long post so thanks for reading it) what was the nature of th epotion Divayth Fyr gives the Nerevarine? Well maybe it was simple water. Maybe what Divayth Fyr really offered was belief in self - and that acted as a catalyst fo r the Nerevarine's own nature to assert itself and take control of the God-mutating power that he was infused with.
Therefore looking ahead as you have done then that may well be where the future goes - for coprus (that which empowers the aedra and other beings to enable them to change themselves) is the Divine Disease - and it is now loose in the Mundus.
Oh and is that what the Grey Maybe actually is? A cloud of disease that some Aether travellers ran into?