'Lady' Nerevar - I know

1999 brushes presumed chitten knife with a spellchecker and the presumed knife crumbles into an equally impotent and merely malicious desire ...
paw-prints-in-the-mud Your contempt is unfortunate - it shows a wish to claim that involvement in one world precludes consequences of actions there affecting you in the other world.
Whereas your presentation is exquisitely mannered and I thank you
- that 'stuff' I figured out over 50 yrs ago ... and I've been having fun with it and other, rather more sophisticated, 'stuff' since then ... however you have to be aware that in a duality, or multiplicity that extends through multiple dimensions, there may be forces that you cannot personally monitor, only hypothesise about ... and there are potential consequences to actions in the one world that could be destructive beyond the dreams of petty malice that others have been indulging, such that they find themselves hoisted on the petards of other people that they have superficially laid claim to.
forgive me for being a bit pointed and without punctuation
Now if you bury your head in the sand and refuse to acknowledge the existance of those forces or apply ineffective tools to deal with them and their consequences while otherwise carrying on with things that may interfere with them in ways that may cause them to react in ways that are harmfull to you or your aspirations or when you abuse your privilege then things can and do happen that you may find exceedingly uncomfortable
On another note if I were a powerful world leader and someone used chim as an excuse to commit acts of a disagreeable nature on the character that my dearly beloved by all wife was portraying I might just feel that things had gone a bit too far and be tempted to use a tiny fraction of my influence to do something about it - even if my darling and far too innocent wife asked me not to. geddit?