Muthsera 1999,
Thank you for the time that you have taken to address those things that I have written, for it is a compliment to be noticed, and even more so to be debated, such meaning that what was said bore the weight of at least enough relevance to draw comment. Therefore, I shall address your response point by point, for it is only proper in light of our prior discussions. Shall we begin, my friend?
Heh - congrats (accepting that your client was in fact innocent) and I hope that the victims of the crime will receive true justice and find peace therewith in time and all the facts of whatever really occurred be made clear. However it has to be said that what may be law in a few states in the USA is not law in other states and in other countires may be far from the law.
Thank you for your congratulations. I have few real world marketable talents, however the selling of words in "trial form" does provide my family and I full bellies (and a username on this forum). I am known for little save my trials, but if that is what is needed, then I often tell my clients "come into the devil's house, for you have been doing the devil's business."

....and sign here --> :deal:
I do what I must, but I do not do what I must not do, and what I must not do is be a moral judge. Come one, come all to the circus of the mind, and let doubt not only be the reasonable result, but also the goal and finish line. Freedom awaits. Y'all come back now, ya hear? :bolt:
Back to Tamriel I think there is a point here where we will have to agree on some things and to disagree on others.
And I would expect no less from someone with the talents of deduction and inference as you have demonstrated. Again, I take it as a compliment.
When you say that Vivec is referred to in the Sermons as he/him and that there are quotes from Vivec in some or many then that is fine by me. It is self evident.
Herein we have our first stipulation.
If you tell me that Vivec's word is to be trusted then we must disagree because I believe that the essence of the rogue is to bend the truth at the very least.
Vivec is the personification of "The Thief" constellation, and his "Charges" (i.e., those he watches over) are "The Lover", "The Shadow", and "The Tower".
Clever Thief watches
Lover sighing
Shadow lying
Tow'r defying
Through the night. (
It would be foolish to assume that any of the Vehks would speak the truth simply because it is Vehk speaking, especially when we have undeniable evidence that Vivec is capable of lying, such as his breaking the oath never to utilize Kagrenac's Tools. However, it would also be equally foolish to assume that Vivec is lying every time he speaks, for we have an even greater number of examples where he told (or is telling) the truth.
Vivec, in the past, has utilized his "Water Face", which (purportedly) makes him unable to lie. Now, it is possible that he is lying about that as well, however we must, at some point, take something as true, else we are faced with the problem of disbelieving everything, rendering any of our research a "fool's errand".
You are correct that Vivec's nature is to lie due to his "Thief" nature. Nonetheless, rogues are also capable of telling the truth when it suits their purposes, so herein lies the likely axis upon which our examinations must lie (no pun intended):
One must determine and weigh the advantages and disadvantages of his telling the truth when one seeks to determine the veracity of any of Vivec's statements or writings.Rogues break the law, bend the truth, steal and murder. They do this by nature and habitually. That is the nature of Mephala and if Vivec has taken over her role in fact or in intent then he has to act as Mephala - so who would trust his words?
One could trust the words of Vivec using the methodology above. There has never been an example of Vivec lying when he utilized his "Water Face", and until there is, I am comfortable in trusting the words that he utters while having donned the same. Aside from that, there is currently nothing that we currently have available to us to utilize as objective verification of his words. One can believe or disbelieve as one wills.
What I havelearned from Vivec is that Vivec mixes truth and lies. So 'his' writings are full of fascinating anecdote with wild tales and also likely contain information that is potentially useful but they are fundamentally untrustworthy. They do not prove the truth of what is in them - but they serve to lead the alert and intelligent reader on to question and to discover more.
Although many may disagree with me,
aside from (1) his breaking the oath never to use Kagrenac's Tools and (2) his allowing the gathering at his Trial to pass judgment upon him, I have never found an example of Vivec blatantly stating something that was not true from a certain point of view.Again I commend you to the conversations to be had with Vivec himself in his Sanctum in which he admits to the player character that the 'official' writings of the Temple are 'not entirely accurate' and that he could not permit the writings of the Dissident Priests to be distributed because they would cause alarm amongst the general populace. That admission in itself ought to ring alarm bells.
Vivec does not state that his official writings are inaccurate. In fact, what he claims is just the opposite; it is the Apographa that is not entirely accurate. Herein are the words of Vivec (from the CS) that you are likely referencing: "
Why did I suppress the Apographa? Because it was such an unfortunate mixture of truth, falsehood, and speculation that I couldn't afford to manage the confused reaction of our faithful. Any doubt whatsoever weakened their faith, and we needed their faith to give us the power to maintain the Ghostfence. In retrospect, perhaps we lost the faith of those we most needed while preserving the faith of the meek and indifferent. Perhaps a mistake was made. Who can say?"
All this is in addition to the obvious, accepted and established cultural bias that makes the claims of any one race subject to interpretation according to the truths that are equally self-evident in the writings, doings and events to be observed in the Provinces of other races.
What makes it so difficult to determine 'the Truth' is that it is likely that the nature of 'reality' actually differs in different Provinces according to the relative dominance, strength and nature of the beliefs of the various races in that local.
Yes, perspectives differ, not only from province to province, but also from timeline to timeline. Even the murder (or lack thereof) of Neverar is true, depending upon which being one asks. Vivec states that "we did not murder Nerevar" when asked about it by the Nerevarine. That, also, is true. Because "they" didn't.....Vivec did.
Vivec's statements are usually true, but one must examine them carefully and not assume things that are usually implied.
However, if you are totally under the spell of Vivec's charm and unwilling to see this then I understand. The guy is insidious

but I prefer the view of the Dissident Priests. In short Vivec is powerful, but might is not right - or at least not the whole story 'according to the scrolls'.
I find it unlikely that Vivec has woven his words about me in a spell, for I have, on more that one occasion been able to discern the subtle implications that Vivec has sought so hard to obfuscate. His nature is to hide the truth, not to outright lie. He challenges us to find what is hidden, not to keep us in the dark.
Shadows can be dispelled, and the Tower is (was?) still his Charge.
I commend you yet again, 1999, for a delightful conversation. I await your response, for I remain...
Yours in the Scrolls,
___The Word Merchant of Julianos