I was thinking lately and had a few ideas.
First of all: Two races in Race Balancing Project (and therefore also in Cobl Races) don't have any of the usual voices. No Hellos, no Goodbyes, no Greetings, no Rumors... this makes it harder to use these races than the others. They only have a few combat grunts, but that's all. So I thought "why not ask if four people would be willing to help getting them voiced?"
This would not only help my mod(s), but also Cobl - and any mod later that will use Cobl Races, because Cobl is a resource mod .
I would need for this:
- female Ohmes-raht
- male Ohmes-raht
- female Xivilai
- male Xivilai
Both races are polar opposites - Ohmes-raht are quite high-pitched and cute, while the Xivilai are bordering "growling" - deep and aggressive.
So, any volunteers?
About Integration I had written down my thoughts somewhere. Well, to keep it short (have to go to work now!): If above would be successful (lines of default dialog are a joke compared to Integration), well, let me ask without any ties or commitment who would be interested in helping voicing it?
A word of warning: Integration will have somewhere around 15.000 to 20.000 lines of dialog. Half of them female (does anyone remember the thread about lack of women in mods?). I don't know of any mod coming even close to this amount of dialog - as far as I'm aware even Shivering Isles has less. So there would be a lot of voice actors needed .
Got to go to work now .