» Mon May 02, 2011 11:14 pm
So far the TES games haven't included a voiced main character, which to me is a good thing for their style, having a voice restricts you far too much, vastly limiting roleplaying opportunities. However, I must make the point that it is confirmed that your character will speak in this game (or shout, or whisper). Your character will be using dragon shouts. To me this is a risky endeavor, while in other TES games I could get used to the occasional weird sounding grunt or shriek that my character made during combat (usually by playing ranged classes and not getting hit at all), dragon shouts will force you to hear your character's voice on a regular basis, and for those nasally sounding wood elves that could prove disastrous.
My hope, is that since it has been also confirmed that there are others who will be using dragon shouts (from greybeards to draugr), they will have numerous voices for each shout, and will allow you to pick from several options during character creation.