No my friend, you have it all backwards. Actors are paid due to their performance not from some ill conceived sense of entitlement.
No they're not.. If you talk about movies: They are first and foremost cast because of their bank-ability. Schwarzenegger's pay had nothing to do with his acting ability it was his ability to open films that got him his high pay.
Let us reflect all the no name voice actors Bethesda has thrown our way. No passion, emotion, nor character which inevitably leads to no story.
First: matter of opinion not fact. Second: It says nothing about the quality of voiceactors if anything it says something about direction.
I prefer reading journals than listening to no name voice actors chosen for their low rate of pay due to their lack of talent. Now, I'm not saying random nobodies can't act under the right circumstance. Your beloved Viggo Mortensen was excellent in Lord of the Rings but without Peter Jackson forcing him to say the same line in countless takes spanning over the space of up to three days, he simply would not have been able to do it...
If you want to make a point.. then instead of slamming an actor you obviously dislike and insulting (voice)acting in general (which both for directors and actors is a specific kind of trade) than use a real argument.
Another thing, Arnold is a decent actor
And with that you shot down your own arguments.. Schwarzenegger himself has stated several times he svcks as an actor..
actual professional voice actors, and almost noone listed in this thread.
I don't get why people keep talking about movie stars, what Fallout 4 needs are professional voice-actors and not half it's budget blown on a minor role voiced by a hollywood actor
I agree, but given the fact that Beth is hiring established actors as well as big stars for (bit) parts I think it is legit to argue what kind of "moviestar" you would like to hear..