Doubt it. I recognize her voice almost all the time and this sounds nothing like her. Of course not 100% sure it ain't her, just not very likely.
I love Laura Bailey's voice :< I fell in love with it when I heard her as the Boss in Saints Row III.
Doubt it. I recognize her voice almost all the time and this sounds nothing like her. Of course not 100% sure it ain't her, just not very likely.
I love Laura Bailey's voice :< I fell in love with it when I heard her as the Boss in Saints Row III.
Something about walking to Denny's for breakfast, I think.
I suspect the female VO is Courtenay Taylor, quite unmistakably so. She sounds exactly like Jack from ME2 & 3. Great voice
Male, no idea, and won't use it anway.
Taylor would be in my top 10 of choices for a female character. Baker (Assuming it's baker) isn't terrible as male and has range although other devs just go generic. I'm hoping that dialoge is good but I need to see it in order to believe it.