*I renamed them correctly to each line in the CS.
*Then I placed all the files in a folder and used http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/MP3_Conversion_Batch-File tool to convert them to MP3
*This seemed sucessful and I then placed all the new MP3 files in the Data Files in the correct folder....http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n99/Shezrie/voice.jpg
When I check ingame...nothing. His written lines are there, but no voice. I cannot figure out what I may have missed here. I did set up the voice files for another character about two months back and that plays fine, but I cannot remember exactly what I did then. I may have missed something?
When I open one of the new MP3 files in Audacity it says it is 44khz, 64 kbit/second, in mono. This is driving me crazy trying to figure this out. Any help is much appreciated.