She can be found by using detect life and the wirlwind sprint glitch in Reachcliff cave at the dining hall.
I've spawned the voices and avatars of all the Daedric Princes once. Surely enough, most of them immediately attacked Malacath.
I think I have a pic or two of it... within my vast library of 2,361 pics... Godamn, do I really have that many? I need to delete some.
I'll see if I can find it.
It looks like I only have one(this was months ago).
You can see: Sheogorath, Sanguine, Malacath(the ghost), and Molag Bal(the unclothed Imperial) Some of the others don't fight and just ran away. I remember Nocturnal running away only to return a few moments later with a random bow, and Meridia was literally just a ball of light, and she ascended and vanished as soon as I spawned her. Malacath was hostile to everyone.