Why can't that freedom though, not include the freedom, to have the main character voiced, like some would prefer.
Be carefull to speak on behalf of EVERYONE. 
Again and in my humble subjective oppinion, I prefer having a voiced protagonist, because I find the lack of it, rather immersion ruining. They don't need to add 10 plus voice overs, in case I think the standard one doesn't fit the character I'm making for this particular playthrough, because I can replace that mentally or mentally voice it myself (imagination).
However I very much prefer that, what the voice actor says, is exactly what appears in my text options.
Lastly, I think, that since it is a change, the voice over should be optional and thus again giving maximum choice for players.
"Outcry" ... I hope not, it means once and for all that... "gamers" ... have become stuckup old geezers and I'll turn 34 this year. It's not difficult to ignore a voiceover and it will most certainly be a pathetic empty complaint, if the voice over turns out to be optional or easily disabled via modding.