A voiced protagonist, a devolution of Bethesdas style.

Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 11:38 pm

One question is the dialogues in the mod lifted from the game files or has someone made them from listening to the dialogues?

And different tones can help role playing an character but this fails then you can not know that you will say.

Far to often before installing the dialogue patch i simply selected the safe option and accepted the quest instead of messing around.

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 11:51 pm

I'm not a fan of trying to blame the players in this instance. To say "your fault, you should have expected it" doesn't strike me as very fair. The blame should not be shifted from Bethesda, it was their decision to move to a voiced protagonist, they knew they couldn't support it but went ahead and done it anyway. This is entirely on them, and any backlash they're getting is deserved.

I do agree with your point about modding however. I think Bethesda is unapralleled in this respect and its one of the major reasons I buy their games.

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 7:32 pm

It looks like me like many of the pointless options was added because of the dialogue wheel, they needed 4 option never more and never less, even if you only need one or two options.

And no it would be no problem adding character voice acting to FO:NV, simply switch camera to caracter and play the voice file and animation before switching to the npc.

Yes you had to rewrite some of the texts a bit as many are not designed to be spoken but this is minor issues.

More fun you could have put the dialogue menu in something who behaved like the mouse over to loot body or container menu and kept Fallout 4 dynamic dialogues.

Granted this might not have worked for FO:NV directly but in skyrim dialogues was in real time and you could exit menu at any time something who do not always work in FO4.

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Naomi Ward
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 6:52 pm

Lol don't sweat the small stuff pal, you'll drown.

A voiced protagonist has only added to the game, less yapping more shooting.

If you want a pure RPG then go read a book or something.


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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 11:05 pm

But can't you see that your argument can be flipped on its head? Like I could say to you "if you want a pure shooter go play CoD or something".

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 7:59 am

There's a difference between blaming the players and following the market's demands. There's no blame to be laid on Bethesda, since voiced characters are the mainstream these days. There's only a niche market for a different approach, such as a hardcoe RPGs like Pillars of Eternity (which I love by the way), which can take a different approach, since they're catering to a different market than an AAA title and were kickstarted in a particular direction,

So the only blame I lay on the player is not informing themselves on the limitations of a voice acted game. It was clear the moment I read about the voiced character that we would end up with a dialogue wheel and more limited optons than in FO3 or FNV (which was made by Obsidian anyway). Everything else would be a financial nightmare for any company. So I bought the game in spite of the voiced characters and certainly not because of that feature. I knew what I had to expect and so I'm not disappointed.

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 11:19 pm

Less QQ, more pewpew eh. You are right, who needs yapping nowadays. We're talking about evolution here http://i.imgur.com/hEWCLbd.jpg

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 9:21 am

It makes sense why they don't fully display what he says then. The sad thing is that they're probably working out a way to bring voice acting to the next TES which will be more of these imaginary choices veiled behind weak voice acting.

If I wanted to focus on shooting then I would play a shooter like CoD where I don't give a crap about my character, only how fast I can jump back in to keep shooting. What drew me to Beth games was being able to create my own character and play them my way...voiced character takes all the personality I try to give my characters and tosses it out the window as they're no longer mine but skins of a default character. I feel like I should just leave him as default Nate so I can play without trying to pretend he's something other then Nate.

People who aren't all into custom characters, or creating multiple characters to play them differently just won't understand the issue with a voiced character. I played about a dozen different characters in Skyrim which gave me enough interest to keep playing beyond the 1000 hour mark. It's impossible to create unique characters this way now when they all sound the same, saying the same lines in the same tone with the same weak delivery.

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 1:14 pm

The dialogue wheel in ME 1&2 actually offered varied responses that would lead to varied conclusions in many different situations - There was a form of choice and consequence. Fallout 4's implementation is just a lazy rip of that with no varied choices and no choice and consequence.

Fallout 4 is about the world - Meaning exploration and gunplay, especially gunplay. That is a shame, because this title had so much potential.

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 6:46 pm

You don't get it. Dialogs and their progression are incredibly linear now because of all the extra voice acting needed for the protagonist. You also fail to understand that Fallout in previous games was a a fairly immersive RPG but now it's a watered down action FPS game so it would appeal to the casual masses so "go read a book or something" doesn't cut it. If you want an FPS go play one of the billion of them available.

Man, this is Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel all over again but this time it's being accepted as being good by some people.. :sadvaultboy:

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 9:54 pm

I feel like inserting a screenshot of Fallout 4's dialogue into a thread is the equivalent of farting in an elevator. It stinks, its not fair to everyone else, and you should feel bad for doing it.

Where's your decency man. At least warn everyone first.

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 8:41 pm

I enjoyed having a voice. I say keep the voiced protagonist but improve on branching the dialogue more and make it tied more to other SPECIAL stats, not just charisma.

I think there is pretty much a consensus among critics and players alike that dialogue was devolved compared to previous Beth efforts. I hope the DLCs fix this.

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 10:43 pm

I like my character having a voice and I feel like Courtenay Taylor did a fantastic job.

But the options I get are [censored].

Give us an investigate option a la Mass Effect and Dragon Age
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 6:26 pm

Where has this opinion about market demanding voiced protagonists come from, its the first I've heard of it. Different games, different genres have always had different requirements and games with voiced protagonists have been around for years, there is no big technical hurdle that has suddenly been overcome that allows for voiced protagonist. In games where it works it's been the norm for at least a decade in games where it doesn't it's obviously not.

Saying that Mass Effect has a voiced protagonist so now every games is expected to have one is like saying that GTA has cars you can drive so every game should have cars you can drive. Bethesda games in the past have been fundamentally different from the story drive action adventure genre that Mass Effect belongs to and have different requirements I think "the market" understands this just fine and a non voiced protagonist in Fallout 4 would have done just fine and likely would of been better received to boot assuming that money got spent elsewhere and it led to improved dialogue.

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 6:18 pm

This pretty much. They tried to copy the dialog off of ME and DA, and did so badly. In ME and DA you always knew the type of response your char would give ( for example paragon in ME or sarcastic in DA2 ) by it′s position and in case of DA also because of it′s icon. This structuring is sorely missing in FO4 and worse, it actually takes away from character depth. Personally I like the voiced protag, but find the dialog sorely missing in depth. How does the saying go? A mile wide, a foot deep?

Because you said no and the game still didn′t give a damn. One of the reasons why I personally felt that Skyrim didn′t deserve the 90s scores it got all around.

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 8:17 pm

I'll admit that I was all on board for the voiced PC when it was first announced but after this shoddy implementation I am slightly embarrassed to even admit that - I now firmly believe Beth should stick with the silent PC like before and put the effort into quality dialogue variation and choice/consequence.

I hope that the next TES does not implement a voiced PC....please, by the Nine Divines, do not!

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 3:00 pm

She's fine...try playing Brian Delaney for a while. It's painful when he talks.

I won't detail it but I did a quest last night where I heard some of Kellogs monologue and thought now here's a voice that would work for me even though I loathe a voiced playable character...it would've been an easier pill to swallow then Delaney.

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 9:51 pm

The more I play, the more apparent this becomes....sigh... I can play FO4 as a shooter and still have fun. But no way, no how is this a RPG anymore.

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 9:20 am

LOL! Sorry, you are absolutely right, I should at least have put it in /spoiler! :disguise:

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 9:13 am

I have checked the files. It is truly what is said......

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 7:24 pm

Made from the game files.

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 6:02 pm

Yeah. I can't get through 3 hours playing male Survivor.
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 5:10 pm

And in Oblivion-
Grey Fox (or similar side quest option)

There was no player dialogue at all. You could pretend you said something interesting, but the NPC obviously couldn't react to it.

In Fallout 3, they introduced lines for the player, but few of these made any difference to the story.

Fallout 4 just seems like an evolution of the standard Bethesda set up.
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 1:32 pm

I try to remind people of Oblivion but they don't listen.

Fallout 4 dialogue is still crap
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Jimmie Allen
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 10:36 am

Actually it is not even different tones in most of the cases. The definition of tones is this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tone_(linguistics)

The tone doesn't change by slightly rephrasing a sentence or replacing an "." with a "?". This means that the derived intentions/personality of your character don't really change either.

Take some samples from the game and see.

And yes, the rephrasing is bad but what is worse is something that is not apparent at the first glance. What is worse for me, is that even when the choices actually differ a little, the NPCs in most of the cases respond to it in the same way/lead to the same consequence.

Let's compare to previous fallout titles for starters. TES is a very different story. All these skill checks in FO3 and (Obsidian's) FNV in the dialog which aren't in the game anymore beg to differ. There WAS an actual difference in many of the cases. And even when there wasn't, the NPC most of the times seemed to react to what you said and sometimes you couldn't even speak to him anymore because of the choices you made.

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