1. Offcourse the player character were mute and/or selectively mute. There were no words audibly uttered.
2. No person can abstract from that.
3. Mute and / or selectively mute.
4. The text were so limiting... I mean where's the option to speak... with your ass... while mooning? Completely rpg limiting.
5. It is and you can just use your imagination, to imagine it to be whatever you need it to be.
Yes, I'm being sarcastic, but everyone of the points are valid points and equal arguments, fundamentally no different from the points you and similar people make.
It's a matter of personal subjective taste of what works and what doesn't for any game. There is hardly any objective truth in that.
What can a company do?
Well, personally? I'd say... make the best possible game for the most possible people. It will be a compromise and utter crap to, hopefully, a minority.
What can a customer / potential customer do?
Realise that just because something isn't for oneself, does not mean it's crap or not for someone else and that is ok. The world does not have to revolve around me all the time...
And it's ok to give feedback in what you or I like/dislike, but by god I am tired of subjective taste being elevated to universal objective truth and the... sense of entitlement, that comes from: My oppinion is truth and "obviously" representative of most people and if not they must be idiot, not true fans, have no idea what an rpg is, lacking in taste and what not...
All it takes to fix it... is to clearly preface with "In my oppinion xyz..." ...
PS: And I'm sorry if it felt like I'm jumping on you in particular... Not my intention, it just worked as an example. 
PPS: And I do respect your oppinion, agree somewhat on some of your points, but personally prefer eg. a little less options and voice, because that's how I work and enjoy my games.