Paralyzing your character while you try to type out a message to someone who might not notice is frustrating, and many people simply choose not to communicate. When you can hands free alert your team to your observations or tactical ideas, then teamwork actually becomes possible and your k/d ratios rise like crazy. The only problem is being able to hear every sniffle and sneeze of your nanosuited teamates, and that's not much to pay for real communication.
Now: Why do people not use VoIP? I can think of 2 explanations. It's not that hard to get a microphone headset, is it? With all of your fancy gaming rigs out there, $5.00 shouldn't seem like much to pay, and I'm pretty sure most of you already have one anyway. I am thinking that most people just don't know that Crysis has VoIP at all, and it has not occurred to them to check. OR they are just too lazy to plug in the mike and use it.
Either way, If even 3 people on a team had voice chat, that would be good enough for me, and I would have fun going around in groups cooperating with them. So therefore I am trying to raise awareness that VoIP really exists, reminding people to use it, and convincing people that is is worth it to use it. I now post, "Please use voice chat, guys," on every pre-game chat box I visit. Please do the same, use VoIP, and spread the love.
Genghis Khan.