This looks like a great project to me, plenty ambitious! A small feature request: allow scripts to move distant land around and enable it in interiors. I've managed to get MGE to do this, so I can have interiors-as-exteriors with open windows. But it's a (semi) hack, only works on my modified version of MGE, etc. If I release a mod using it, I'll either a) have to commit my changes to MGE's SVN and distribute a compiled version of the latest SVN, which has its own bugs (before I noticed, the MWSE pipe wasn't working at all...), or

backport it to 178 and release it as a fork. Or ask Hrnchamd nicely to include it in MGE XE, or both. So that's all a little complicated.
Well, it'll be a bit till I have distant land working (have to rewrite that from the ground up), but I don't see why that wouldn't be possible. Just moving the player's position by script, then resetting it when they enter a new cell (to prevent poorly-written scripts from breaking things). It will depend on how I render distant land, but it should work fine.
It would also be possible, and possibly more useful, to just keep track of interior-exterior relations in an external file. Similar to the material shaders, mods could provide a cell-location file. It might be messier than using scripts, especially since cell names aren't always unique.
Is it theoretically possible to make voodoo load the closest interiors when being outside? They'd be in their own coordinate space that would get "mounted" (file system anology) to the exterior space at manually marked portal spots, so that the bigger internals wouldn't bleed outside the exterior shell. The size difference would make a slight visual distortion when one can see the interior from two windows at the same time, but that's rare i think. Also, i presume since it would be handled through the distant land mechanism, no AI and hence no NPC's could be present in the interiors. Does that make any sense?
Eh, in theory, yes. In practice, it might be a bit difficult. The most difficult part would be defining the portals and checking how to render the interior through them.
The general idea of making distant interiors is possible, but could certainly get messy. I'm not going to speculate much on it until I get the basics running well.

Disclaimer: I'm not really an expert, but...
Yes, it's probably possible. You would take windows and hook their textures so as to be able to render to them. peachykeen has mentioned that Voodoo can do this, I think MGE can in a basic way. Then you would have a distantland-version of the interior; Voodoo would be told where the interior window and exterior window are, and render the proper view of the interior based on the viewpoint of the player. Conceptually, at least, it seems doable. I had the same idea yonks ago, actually, but didn't (and still don't!) have the actual ability to carry it out.
Well, you can attach a shader to any given texture (MGE can as well, but their implementation replaces the texture file and is generally awkward and prone to breaking things).
Now, in theory (and this is a stretch), you could use a material shader to render a few objects to a separate surface (an offscreen texture). Render the regular scene and using either alpha or chromakeying, composite the other scene behind it.
A somewhat similar, but probably simpler method will be used for distortion effects (heat shimmer and refractive glass), writing the distortion mask to an offscreen surface and compositing them after the scene is done rendering.
I don't think Bethesda was completely consistent with their interiors/exteriors space-wise. If you place an interior house right onto the exterior version of the house, do they fit exactly? I doubt it.
I don't think they were, and I know modders have taken advantage of N-space and played around with scale.
In one of your posts, you had asked for suggestions for other games. Gothic 1 & 2 spring to mind (poor low-poly games could really use a facelift more intense than new textures!).
I might even be willing to part with my copy of Gothic Universe (I have G1, G2, and G3 in separate boxes, too. Actually, I have two copies of G2 Gold's 4-disc set). 'Twould be for a good cause!
I'll take a look at the Gothic games and see how they work. They're pretty common, so I bet I could dig up some copies around (might even have one, have to check). I'm not sure about taking games from people, not sure if there would be any issues with that (especially legally), so finding a copy myself would probably be a bit better. I need to get the ones on the list working first though, but these will certainly be added to the to-do list.

Anyway, gotten a few reports back from a couple of the folks I sent test copies to. It seems there might be a minor bug with the location stuff (I keep the core files in one spot and game-specific files in another). On some system, the hook is having trouble retrieving the path of the main files. Until that's working, we can't test the rest of it, so I'm not sure if that part works yet. Everything is still working great on my comps, so it's just some little detail. Hopefully I'll have that pinned down and fixed soon.

I've also been playing with some new and slightly more complex shaders (roughly at the level of MGE's best). They run fine, so once I've verified that this part works, I'll be improving on the shader system a bit more (which is where it'll start to have more features than MGE). The per-pass and per-technique target system is already in place (allows you to chose the texture the shader will draw to, instead of just to the screen).