[RELz] VORB - VadersApp's Oblivion Real Bodies Thread #2

Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 6:35 pm

What the frack is VORB doing?

Have a look at this video i made with Version 1.6 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HBl4UfVhrlQ

This mod changes the whole body type system in Oblivion. Bodies are no longer made with clothes. If clothes are made for this mod, an infinit
number of different bodies are possible. The Clothes fit to the bodies. A Fat NPC is a Fat NPC with or without clothes, a bombshell is a bombshell
with or without clothes :)

This is done by special new bones i have added to the skeleton.nif file. Those bones are connected to special weightpainting of the clothes and armor. Every bone contains different data entries, that transform,rotate or scale the bone. The bones are rigged to the skin of the npcs. A change of one of those bones will change how the mesh look like.

The bashed patch changes the paths of every NPCs skeleton file to a VORB skeleton.file. Those Skeleton_xxx files comes with VORB installation. The Skeleton files are processed with a tool i made on a random basis but every bodypart is skaled relativ to the body part next to.
In this version there are more than 1,000 different female and male bodies for all stock clothes and armor.

Stock Clothes that come with VORB are HGEC-E Cup and Roberts male V5. Stop the panic, the girlies won′t have all big E-Cup briasts. VORB only uses the mesh to transform the size to be smaller or even to be bigger than E-Cup.

Clothes and Armor have to be converted to work with VORB. But that is no problem anymore ...

I made a site, where clothes and armor could be converted automatically. Head over to


and begin converting or downloading your favourite armor or clothes replacer.

If you have installed animations which supports BBB, BBB is also supported by this mod.


Get VORB http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=37013

and extract the folder to Oblivions data folder.

VORB normaly comes without any esp file also OBSE is not needed. VORB can be activated with the help of Wrye Bash′s bashed patch system.

Get Wrye Bash latest Version if don′t use it yet. Install it then copy the "Bashed Patch, 0.esp" you find in the "MOPY" Folder of "Wrye Bash" to the data folder of Oblivion. Start Wrye Bash, click on the "Bashed Patch, 0.esp" with the right mouse button and then on "update bashed patch". Activate "Tweak Actors" and then activate the checkbox "VadersApp′s Oblivion Real Bodies Tweaker". Create the Patch. That′s it! VORB is activated now.

Some Additional Information about the System:

There is a naming system, please have a look at the filename - it includes the actual body part sizes, using the value 100 as 'average'...
Br = briasts
HS = Waist
Bo = Booty
Le = Legs

If you want a special npcs to have a special body you have to copy a skelton_xxx file to "skel_special_xxxxxx.nif", where xxxx is the Formid of the NPC which could be found out with the help of the mod "formid finder" http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=16704

You also can edit the skeleton_files on your own. Open the skeleton file you want to change with nifskope and change the VORB bones.

If you want to change the look of a body you have to take the right skel_*** file and change the scale of the vorb bones. VORB bones in the new version, which also uses growfl skeleton, are named Bip01 Scale bones.

Example: If you want to change the briast size of a particular npc get his skel_*** file with a mod called formid finder. And then open it with nifskope go to Bip01 briastTransform L and change the scale or/and transformation data. Do this of course also for Bip01 briastTransform R. Would be looking crazy if one briast is big other one small ;)

If you also want the player character be converted copy a skel_ file and rename the copy to skeleton.nif than change the VORB Bones like you want to.

Bones that could be used to change the look of the body:

1. Bip01 L ScaleThigh
2. Bip01 R ScaleThigh
3. Bip01 L ScaleCalf
4. Bip01 R ScaleCalf
5. Bip01 L briastTransform
6. Bip01 R briastTransform
7. Bip01 ScaleSpine
8. Bip01 ScaleSpine1

For example if you want to have a body with big briasts you should modify L and R briastTransform. A lot can be changed here.

Every number relates heavy on scale number!

X sets the height of the briast
Y how long /round the briast should be. - rounder + longer
Z the space between L briast and R briast - less space + more space

P only change this! Should be over 0 under 90. it is how much gravity had is influence on the girls briast in her life ;) 0 old looking 90 very young looking

And of course Scale:
If under 1 smaller than e-cup, if higher getting bigger, if more than 2.2 melons. Be sure to adjust Translation Z to something between 0 and -10 or so. It depends on how big the scale is. And also be sure to adjust Translation Y to something between 0 and - 10 because otherwise the briast would be big but unrealistic long.

If you make a girl with big briast you should also give her a bigger butt and thicker legs to look realistic. Go to Bip01 Spine and enter 1.4 to scale (changes the butt) and also to scale of Bip01 L ScaleThigh and R ScaleThigh (for not having a big butt with unrealistic thin legs)

Be sure to save the nif. The name has to begin with skel_
If not Wrye Bash wont use your new body while patching a Bashed Patch to activate VORB.

After adding or deleting Skel_files you have to rebuild the "bashed patch"!
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Brian Newman
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