Seriously? I am not even sure what Zelda is... Skyrim got to win this... In January Zelda would stand no chance, I bet. CK coming out, all the important patches being done, mods starting to come out and so on... Glorious.
Not sure what the otehr thing is yet declaring skyrim superior. Sound logic there.
Yes its so great the modders get to fix the flaws and bugs in the game insted of bethesda having to take responsability.
Only a true TES fan would be able to see past the MINOR (not game-breaking in any way, because unless you can't move/reload/play for more than 5 seconds, its not game breaking. You can still play.) bugs and realize that Skyrim deserves a GOTY more than something Nintendo has had going for years, and is basically an attempted re-roll of Ocarina of Time.
Only a really devoted fan would declare a broken game GOTY. Skyrim is a re roll of oblivion (little has changed) your point ?
Skyrim is ok, Skyrim isn't opening anything new into the TES series like Oblivion and Morrowind did in their times. Skyrim was raised on hype only to end up playing Oblivion 2. Same engine etc.., there isn't anything new in Skyrim other then some UI layouts and cooking and crafting. Something in the RPG genre that has been done 1,000 times over.
Indeed, it isnt even done well. I think I may sell skyrim, I dont usually sell games, but im bored already...
That's what a sensible person would do. Not a whiny five year old that says the game is broken and not finish because of a bad patch that has been out for a day.
No a sensible person wouldnt supprot a broken game. Whiney 5 year old, so people who cant complete teh MQ nd many otehr quests are whiney 5 year olds ? And the people whos characters re destroyed by the bugs in patch 1.1 are whiney 5 year olds. Seems your cting more childish than them, resorting to name clling for legitimate complaints.
zelda - 25 hours
skyrim 143 hours
skyrim- worth $60
zelda- no worth $50
Because its all bout how much time you waste, not how fun a game is. Also seeing s some flks cant even play skyrim that number needs to come down a bit...
I voted for Skyrim because at least it tries to be different.
. Sorry I don't vote for games who don't try and be different when it comes to story.
Edit: Also didn't like the gameplay at all.
How please enlighten me.
... Yet you voted Skyrim, granted both arent good at story, but skyrim is no better in that deprtment.
Voted for Skryim. Can't believe people still play zelda games, you get the same stuff.
*glances at oblivion*
All Bethesda does is make a big world to explore, thats it, its been like that since daggerfall. Oblivion even botched making it unique, and in Skyrim dungeons are liner corridors.
Pretty biased competition, the only reason Zelda beat AC is blatant really devoted fan army from the Zelda forums.
Either way I voted for Skyrim to beat that piece of crap.
Our forum > their forum.
Calling them [censored] then saying our forum is better... You dont see any issue with that ? Nothing childish, no feeling of hypocrisy ?
Its sad that people who have registered on this forum is voting for skyward sword, why not go post about that game if you like it best?
Fallout 3
Fallout NV
Its sad you think becuase im on here I should be worshiping skyrim like its the second coming of christ, how dare I like other games. You may want to get the pitchfrk because I havent enjoyed a single bethesda game I have played.
Zelda vs. Skyrim? Why???? They're not even remotely in the same category. Skyrim is on an epic scale and Zelda is a children's game. Dont they like spit out a new Zelda game every year?
No its not.
No they dont.
So much wrong in this thread.
I dont care enough to register on another forum, but Zekd deserves to win much more thn skyrim. Hell most games deserve too.