Yes its so great the modders get to fix the flaws and bugs in the game insted of bethesda having to take responsability.
Only a really devoted fan would declare a broken game GOTY. Skyrim is a re roll of oblivion (little has changed) your point ?
Indeed, it isnt even done well. I think I may sell skyrim, I dont usually sell games, but im bored already...
No a sensible person wouldnt supprot a broken game. Whiney 5 year old, so people who cant complete teh MQ nd many otehr quests are whiney 5 year olds ? And the people whos characters re destroyed by the bugs in patch 1.1 are whiney 5 year olds. Seems your cting more childish than them, resorting to name clling for legitimate complaints.
Because its all bout how much time you waste, not how fun a game is. Also seeing s some flks cant even play skyrim that number needs to come down a bit...
How please enlighten me.
... Yet you voted Skyrim, granted both arent good at story, but skyrim is no better in that deprtment.
*glances at oblivion*
All Bethesda does is make a big world to explore, thats it, its been like that since daggerfall. Oblivion even botched making it unique, and in Skyrim dungeons are liner corridors.
Calling them [censored] then saying our forum is better... You dont see any issue with that ? Nothing childish, no feeling of hypocrisy ?
Fallout 3
Fallout NV
Its sad you think becuase im on here I should be worshiping skyrim like its the second coming of christ, how dare I like other games. You may want to get the pitchfrk because I havent enjoyed a single bethesda game I have played.
No its not.
No they dont.
So much wrong in this thread.
I dont care enough to register on another forum, but Zekd deserves to win much more thn skyrim. Hell most games deserve too.
I like you.