» Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:04 pm
I voted for zelda and have never played it based purely and simply on the fact that Skyrim is a not a polished product.
If i purchased a car, and it was brilliant, does things that other cars dont do like fly, but when it comes to doing things that other cars do do, like drive and it wont then it is not a great car.
Skyrim is a beautiful and great game in so many ways for its ambition and scope. But increasing content by having 100 quests of "can you take this to that guy" does NOT improve the game, nor does a string of broken quests.
A bug or a glitch here and there is one thing, like getting stuck between two rocks in the landscape, or something weird happening SOMETIMES.
not one session of play with skyrim has been without a problem and with the latest patch the game is broken for me.
Lets conjur a fire atra because this wizard is using fire, wait, my fire atra is not immune to fire .
Lets try this spell to... oh wait that doesnt work now either.
Why does this dragon look so weird, oh, because it isnt rendered at all.
Where are those books, oh there not there and i cant remove them
Ok just finished that quest and here is your item that i have collected twice now for you
The glitches and bugs are just as endless as the game is claimed to be, if they were little things i can live with it, but when you spend 10 minutes killing a dragon only to find you absorb its soul so you cant use that new shout, i may as well just not play it.