» Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:40 pm
I'd like to say that Skyrim basically embodies the values of the majority of G4 people. Realistic graphics, emphasis on combat, violence, blood, etc. while Skyward Sword has a more impressionist style that is like a complex taste in food. How Skyrim seems to be preferred among G4 gamers reminds me of how little kids don't like coffee because it is a COMPLEX TASTE.
Skyrim came after Oblivion. Skyward Sword came after all of the other Zelda games. They both follow their series, but Skyrim is just a repeat with new and better toys, where Skyward Sword is a whole new thing in graphics, music, story, and combat.
Just trying to use logic here. For me, at least, the answer is obvious as to why Skyrim is currently winning. The answer is also obvious as to why Skyward Sword should be winning."
Ive never lol'd so hard.